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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 01:10:43 字数作文


Dear Mike:

  I’m in JieYang now.I have many new friends.They are all kind to me.I often have lunch with them in our school.I usually have some chicken with vegetables and some rice.I like Guand Dond food very much.They are nice.My English is not very good so my friends often help me with it.Now I speak English is very well.I’m very glad to be here.

  Yours Jack



It would be hard to imagine that a person could go through life without having a friend.Friendships are a part of our daily lives.They are easy to develop but they take time to grow and flourish .When it comes to developing a friendship,trust,common interests and a need for companionship are important factors.

To have a good friendship ,we should trust with each other .We also need to keep close relationship with friends.The trust between friends, we can have different friendships with different people, then the mutual trust. Trust is a deeper roadways, can not go back, friends of mutual trust like hatred, to remember as long as one lives.Except it ,common interests are also very important between friends.

Have a common hobby is very important. Should have a common interest between friends, so that it can have common language, so we can play together, to struggle together, have a common goal, so that we can rely on each other, to achieve better results together.If friends don’t have common interests ,they can’t know each other .So they will have some difficulties to communicating each other.

A need for companionship is also very important. Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.

Trust,common interests and a need for companionship are important factors when it comes to the friendship between our friends.




我生活的甘肃是中国二十三个省份之一,位于与长江齐名的黄河 的上游,是古丝绸之路必经之地。中国960万平方公里面积它占了45.37万平方公里。是不是很小呀?是的它没有北京古典,也没有上海繁华,却一样有自己的独到之处。


除了刘家峡,甘肃还有很多值得一看的美景可向你一鉴。先说说古丝绸之路的交通要冲——嘉峪关。你也许想不到在这里也能看见长城。站在万里长城沿线最为壮观的关城前,看着城墙横穿沙漠戈壁,你激动的无法想象在那个久远的年代,古人是如何在恶劣自然条件下建成它的。你不由得肃然起敬。可是如果游览了离嘉峪关不远的敦煌莫高窟,你也许想定居在那里。因为你想天天与那壁画上形色各异的反弹琵琶的飞天仙女为伴,因为你想天天与彩塑的 慈祥的佛诉说你心中的烦恼,平衡自己的精神世界。你也想听那绘出的一个个高僧大德的传奇故事,甚至你想自己就是那一尊佛像有多好,可天天接受来自五湖四海的游客的顶礼膜拜。



林 月二十日


你的朋友:马 二零一四年十一


15. Could you do me a favor and... 能否请你帮我一个忙…

Could you do me a favor and give this present to Hilary for her birthday


16.Do you by any chance know... 你(碰巧)知道……吗

Do you by any chance know what time the movie begins 你知道电影什么时候开始吗

17. Do you enjoy doing... 你喜欢做……吗

Do you enjoy having a few friends around talking and laughing


18. Do you happen to know... 你(碰巧)知道……吗

Do you happen to know how I can get to Times Square 你知道怎么去时代广场吗

19. Do you have any good ways to... 你有没有……的好办法

Do you have any good ways to promote our new product


20. Did you know (that)... 你知道……吗

Did you know (that) Daniel has won the first prize of the writing contest


Don't you think that the gap between rich and poor is getting wider

难道你不认为贫富差距越来越大了吗 [五星级精品句]

32. Excuse me for... 请原谅我…….

Excuse me for interrupting, but I have something urgent to say.

很抱歉打断你,但我有急事要说. [ urgent n. 紧急的;急迫的]

33. For one thing,... For another,... 一方面……;另一方面…….

For one thing, these shoes don't suit you. For another, they are too expensive.


34. From my point of view,... 在我看来,……

From my point of view, Crazy English is the most effective way to learn English.


35. From where I stand,... 从我的立场来说,…….

From where I stand we should support him no matter what happens.


36. Generally speaking,... 总的来说,…….

Generally speaking, people like to hear compliments from others.


37. Hardly...when... 一……就……. [倒装句型]

Hardly had she begun speaking when there was a knock on the door.


38. Have you considered doing... 你有没有考虑过做……

Have you considered going abroad to study 你有没有考虑过出国留学

39. Have you decided... 你决定好……了吗

Have you decided where to spend your summer vacation 你决定好去哪里过暑假了吗

40. Have you ever been to... 你曾经去过……吗

Have you ever been to Disneyland 你有没有去过迪斯尼乐园

41. Have you thought about/of ... 你有没有想过……

Have you thought about setting up your own business 你想过自己做生意吗

42. Haven't you heard of ... 难道你没听说过……吗

Haven't you heard of Crazy English established by Li Yang


43. How are you getting on / along with... ……进展如何/与……相处如何

How are you getting on / along with your English study 你的英语学习进展如何

44. How are you going to... 你打算如何……

How are you going to celebrate your graduation 你打算如何庆祝你毕业

45. How does...sound ……(听起来)怎么样

How does making our appointment at 8 sound 我们把约会定在8点如何

46. How long will it take you to... ……要用多长时间

How long will it take you to recite such a passage 你背诵这么一段文章要多长时间

47. How should I... 我该如何……

How should I tell him the bad news 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息

48. I absolutely agree with... …我完全同意…….

Sure, I absolutely agree with your point. 当然,我绝对同意你的观点.

49. I'm grateful for... 我对……特别感激.

I'm grateful for your timely help. 非常感谢你及时的帮助. [timely adj.及时的]

50. I am planning to... …我打算…….

I am planning to travel around China. 我打算环游中国.

51. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to... 我很高兴有机会…….

I am very pleased to have this opportunity to stand here and give you a speech.


52. I apologize for... 我为……道歉.

I apologize for leaving you alone. 很抱歉把你一个人留下.

53. I believe (that)... …我相信…….

I believe that we can conquer cancer totally some day.


54. I believe we should... 我认为我们应该…….

I believe we should work together to protect our environment.


55. I can't imagine... 我无法想像…….

I can't imagine what my life would be like if I were disabled.


56. I can't stand it when... 我无法忍受…….

I can't stand it when people talk with their mouth full. 我无法忍受别人说话的时候满嘴食物.

57.I didn't expect to...我没想到…….

I didn't expect to receive such a pretty card from him. 我没想到能收到他寄来的那么漂亮的卡片.

58. I didn't mean to... 我不是有意…….

I didn't mean to offend you. 我不是有意要冒犯你的. [offend n.冒犯;得罪]

59. I didn't realize... 我不知道…….俄没意识到…….

I didn't realize how much this meant to you. 我没意识到这对你意义有多大.

60. I (don't) feel like... 我(不)想…….

1) I feel like going rock climbing with you this weekend. 这周末我想和你一起去攀岩.

2) I really don't feel like going to the movies tonight. 我今晚真的不想去看电影.

61 . I don't get very excited about... 我对……不怎么感兴趣.

I don't get very excited about going to the concert. 我对去听演唱会不怎么感兴趣.

62. I don't know how to... 我不知道如何…….

I don't know how to answer the question. 我不知道如何回答这个问题.

63. I don't see (that)... 我看不出…….我认为……不…….

I don't see (that) she really intends to help us out. 我觉得她并不打算帮助我们.

64. I don't think it is necessary to... 我认为没有必要…….

I don't think it is necessary to leave so early.我认为没有必要这么早走.

65. I don't think it's right to... 我认为……是不对的.

I don't think it's right to bad mouth other people. 我认为说别人坏话是不对的.

66. I doubt that /if /whether... 我怀疑哦不相信…….

I doubt if what he said is true. 我不相信他所说的是真的.

67.I dream of... 我梦想…….

I dream of being a successful salesman. 我梦想成为一名成功的推销员.

68. I'm dying to... 我渴望…….俄盼望…….

I'm dying to leave for Beijing to meet my parents. 我盼望着去北京见我的父母.

69. I feel very honored to... 我觉得很荣幸…….

I feel very honored to be a member of this team. 能成为这个队的一员我深感荣幸.

70. I'm fed up with... 我厌倦了…….我受够了…….

I'm fed up with all these traffic jams. 我讨厌老是交通堵塞.

71. I'm sick and tired of... 我对……感到厌烦.

I'm sick and tired of the same old routine every day. 我对每天同样的呆板的日常生活感到厌倦.

[routine n.日常事物;常规]

72. I find it hard for me to... 我发现……对我来说很难.

I find it hard for me to make a speech in public. 我发现在公众场合作演讲对我来说很难.

73. I hate to disagree with you, but... 我不想跟你有不同意见,但是…….

I hate to disagree with you, but | think your view is impractical.

我不想跟你有不同意见,但我认为你的观点不切合实际. [impractical adj.不切实际的]

74.I have confidence in... 我相信…….俄对……有信心.

I have confidence in winning the Crazy English speech contest.


75. I have nothing to do with... 我与……无关.

I have nothing to do with that man;

I've never seen him before.


76. I have no experience in... 我在……方面没有经验.

I have no experience in dealing with children.我在和孩子打交道方面没有什么经验.

77. I haven't (done)... for a long time. 我很久没有……了.

I haven't played the piano for a long time.我很久没有弹钢琴了.

78. I insist that... 我坚决要求……. [宾语从句使用虚拟语气]│

I insist that you give me my money back.我坚持要求你把钱退给我.

79. I insist on (doing)...…我坚持…….

I insisted on making him our coach. 我坚持要他做我们的教练.

80. I intend to...…我打算…….

I intend to give him a surprise. 我打算给他一个惊喜.

81. I like nothing better than... 我喜欢……胜过任何东西.俄最喜欢…….

I like nothing better than helping people. 我最喜欢帮助别人.

82. I never dreamed of...…我从未想过…….

I never dreamed of meeting you here. What a coincidence!

我从未想过会在这里见到你.真是太巧了![coincidence n.巧合;凑巧]

83. I prefer... to...…我喜欢……甚于…….

I prefer working as a manager in a small company to working as a clerk in a big one.


84. I prefer to... rather than...我宁愿…...而不愿.…".

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out 我宁愿呆在家里而不愿出去.

85. I really want to know... 我真的很想知道…….

I really want to know how to improve my English pronunciation.


86. I set my mind to do sth. / on sth.我下定决心…….

I set my mind to believe, hope, and endure all things.









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