
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 05:25:08
that指代什么?GAs are stochastic search approaches inspired by natural evolution thatinvolve crossover,mutation,and evaluation of survival fitness.其中的that 指代什么呢?是 approaches 还是evolution?怎么翻译这句话呢? 高一英语单词完型,. The war is coming, the winter is coming, our future is honor or disgrace, decided in today是病句吗The war is coming, the winter is coming, our future is honor or disgrace, decided in today这个是病句吗.我觉得是病句但不肯定 Mr.Obama said that with 10 years of war coming to an end,and the economy recovering.为什么war coming和economy recovering 不加be 动词?这个是做是形容词吗?如果加上be动词比如 ...war had come to an end,and the economy is recoverin war 3 显示 ·· warcraft 3 was unable to initialize·· 这是啥情况 温暖用英语怎么写 指前面的句子或那件事 用that还是itHe gave me some help.___ made me feel good.(that \ it) Parents worry about the harmful_______of TV violence on their children it was the oldest car taking part. .-Are you ready -Yes,sir -Ok,Tim,( )here; the rest of you( ) where you are.4.-Are you ready -Yes,sir-Ok,Tim,here; the rest of you where you are.A.comes; will stay B.comes; stay C.will come; will stay D.come; stay不仅 all of us e____?John are wrong下划线里应该填什么? Skip to my lou prime 是谁么意思? skip to my lou的lou是什么意思lou这个单词是什么意思,不要一堆的 什么从儿歌里得来的 我要单个字的解释! 那skip to my lou呢?这是一首儿歌的名字,优势美国街球王‘阿尔斯通’的绰号,有些人把‘skip to my lou’翻译成‘跳动的灵魂’.但是字面上好像不是这个意思、 山穷水尽疑无路 柳暗花明又一村表示两人的感情, 请问skip to my lou的意思 Is that the library?]的回答是什么?是No,____ _____ a classroom.的空处填空呀~(+﹏+)~晕 all star 标志为什么脚后跟的标志是突出来的.就像那种超厚的贴纸是有些all star的鞋标志后面就是相当于长在鞋上.都有些是像贴纸一样贴上去.还是类似厚的双面胶 do you know why he is leaving?his plane took off at 11:30.为什么用 took off 请大家帮我分析这个句子,第1、2个that都是引导的什么句呀,他们在里面起什么作用呀?act The Swedes were the first to recognize that public officials like civil servants,police officers,health inspectors or tax-collectors ca Do you know_a new model plane?A:the boys each have B:the boys each has C:each the boy has 正方形的面积是5平方米,求阴影面积 如果圆的半径是5厘米,则正方形的面积是多少?图形就是在一个正方形里面有一个圆形,里面有一条斜线,中间一个圆心黑点 No matter where I go ,just a different city like you .这句可以么?最好带解释,无论我去了哪里,我只是换了个城市(在另一个城市)想你。 Skip to my lou是啥意思 Our teacher told us that Shaolin Temple____in Henan Province.A:is B:was province是什么意思 a zoo of jiaozuo,henan province意思是什么 如何背? what’ s wrong with me on the earth? save the earth with eco bear not to linger with me,to the earth i am ever bound eterally什么意思?