
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:05:41
with pleasure 和my pleasure 区别 my pleasur,It's a pleasure,with pleasure,It's my pleasure 有什么区别?分别在什么时候用? In some parts of our country,f___is easyIn some parts of our country ,f__ is easy.But i__difficult in the northwest. The soil there is p______ forming,and bushes grow here and there .Anyone who wants to farm there h__to work evry hard.The first job i The payment for your visa application has been declined. our school looks very beautiful一般疑问句 he went to visit the art museum 句中went后面用加s吗 They went to Shanghai to visit the w什么 Expo in 2010 A group of______will visit the museum tomorrow.A.HungarianB.AustralianC.JapaneseD.American 准备去英国求boy london在伦敦的实体店具体地址 求英国最大boy London的详细地址(在伦敦的) 已知椭圆的焦距是2 且焦距是椭圆上一点P到两焦点距离的等差中项求椭圆方程 这是什么啊,淘宝猜图的,没法上图只好描述了,一个圈圈用用铁丝推着玩的,是什么游戏啊? If you could have chosen where you were born,what culture would have been your choice.这句话不是过去虚拟语气的If +had done啊,怎么解释呢 中学生how would your life be different if you were to live in a foreign country.急求一篇小短文 How would you get rid of your stress in daily life?求情景对话时间是2分钟 2009年的全国初中数学联赛答案是什么啊?急. Our school is big and beautiful.It has a big garden.合为一句初一下册英语典中点Unit 2 Section B turned out to bid a final farewell完整的句子是:senior chinese leader on sunday turned out to did afinal farewell to xiao ke.其中的turned out thankyou and answer everyone!什么跟什么啊?不是 最终和结果的意思吧! All my life,never trust men say I'll love you forever this sentence.Bid farewell to a person,toAll my life,never trust men say I'll love you forever this sentence。Bid farewell to a person,to start a new life.That I would be good.Please believe me. 对数函数Y=logaX,它的值域为什么是全体实数,定义域为什么是(0,正无穷)? 求使函数y=X2+aX-2/X2-X+1的值域为(负无穷,2)的实数a的取值范围.过程中为什么判别式小于0呀∵函数y=(x²+ax-2)/(x²-x+1)值域为(-∞,2) ∴(x²+ax-2)/(x²-x+1)0 ∴(1)去分母整理变为:x²-(2 2009年全国初中数学联赛(复赛)答案(初三的)四月五号上午的那场,广东省的. 函数f(x)在[0,1]上单调减少且可积,证明:∫(a,0)f(x)dx=a∫(1,0)f(x)dx.(0 (填空)和应用题1.今年小麦产量比去年增加百分之10,今年小麦产量相当于去年的( )百分之几2.某产品原来每件售价200元,价格上涨百分之20后在下降百分之20,现在每件售价( )元3.一桶农药,第一 当a,b满足什么条件时,分式ab-a^2/ab-b^2的值为正 已知33的x次方=2013,61的y次方=2013,求证:1/x+1/y=1 bid farewell中bid是什么意思 为什么不直接说farewell 谢谢 设函数y=f(x)是定义在正实数集上的减函数,并且满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y)f(2)=3,f(3)=2,求f(6)的值.如果f(x)+f(x-5)<5,求x的取值范围 已知函数f(x)=1/(1-x)^n+aln(x-1) ,其中n∈N*,a为常数(Ⅰ)当n=2时,求函数f(x)的极值;Ⅱ)当a=1时,证明;对任意的正整数n,.当x>=2时,有f(x) 已知函数f(x)=a^x+b(a>0,且a≠1)的图像经过点(0,2),其反函数的图像经过点(3,0).⑴求f(x)的解析式 已知函数f(x)=a^x+b的图像过点(1.3)又其反函数的图像过眯(2.0),则函数f(x)的解析式 已知函数y=f-1(x)的图像过(1,0),则y=f(1/2x-1)的反函数的图象一定过点A.(1,2)B.(2,1)C.(0,2)D.(2,0)我认为应该选B呀,可答案是A,为什么呢?