
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:03:51
desired和 desirab有什么区别 NO desiring 这句英语啥意思? 朱自清背影选自 是什么散文 请问这里的 put into administration 是神马意思On January 15th the retailer,which employs 4,350 people,announced it was putting itself into administration. long live Go into administration是什么意思及反义词 go into our hands 和through our I can hardly imangin any benefit that such a scheme could produce except for .省略号的成分是:further distortions of teenagers' nature.书上给出的翻译是:我很难想象出这样的计划除了会深层扭曲十几岁的孩子们的 may friengship long our company is service is ( )in nearly 80 countries around the worldA.available B.natural C.relative D.careful _____ our countries are developing countries. our classrooms and teachers offices are in the buildings 找出一处错误并改正 was established in 1946 has offices in over thirty countries worldwide is Your Source for a broad rwas established in 1946 has offices in over thirty countries worldwide is Your Source for a broad range of U.S.Manufactured Products 96516:the company at all its sales offices has excellent storage facilities with necessary infrastructure,manpower and vehicles.想知道的语言点:1—the company at all :怎么翻译?2—the company at all its sales offices:怎么翻译?1 我最喜欢的一本书,80字左右 一个动词填空 Our train ( )(leave)at nine o'clock tonight大哥大姐帮帮忙啊 make dollars 如题实际意思 不是“使美元变小” 出淤泥而不染的例子 急需:"出淤泥而不染"的生活例子,谁能帮帮我? Long live my motherland LONG LIVE SINGLES是什么意思 关于出淤泥而不染,的故事素材 出淤泥而不染的人!故事! T_____ a lot.You are welcome. you are too much什么意思 我的一个美国朋友跟我说:you are too much.我用纸折了一颗心送个一位女士,她跟我说you are too much. teachthemself用法 还有themself 和themselves有什么区别每一个都举一个例子分别是什么意思 teach这个后面只能跟themself表示自学吗?teachhereself这样可以吗?teachthemself是固定句型?这些搞忘记了, themself 和themselves有什么区别(不知道的别瞎说) make happily why means popular at home difficult for themselves wantIn America ,some DIY shop are always very busy on weekends .DIY ____ "Do It Yourselves".Some people do DIY in the shops.Some spend their time doing DIY ___.Doing DIY is very ____ in 全敏水怎么加相性点.改版后的1.45全敏水有发展前景么 相性该怎么加 加完火加水还是木 现在改版后水的防御那么牛逼 有必要加水么 如果加水的话 蓝够用么 问题是在哪里我们能买到这种电脑The question () where we () () this ()()()The question is where we can buy this computer这一句 的computer没有三个空啊 the question is ___ do first.Awht should we Bwhat we should Cthat should we Dwhy should we