已知绝对值[2a-b] + 根号[b+2c]+c² -4c+4=0,是试求abc的算术平方根

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/18 01:23:45

已知绝对值[2a-b] + 根号[b+2c]+c² -4c+4=0,是试求abc的算术平方根
已知绝对值[2a-b] + 根号[b+2c]+c² -4c+4=0,是试求abc的算术平方根

已知绝对值[2a-b] + 根号[b+2c]+c² -4c+4=0,是试求abc的算术平方根
所以 2 a-b=0,b+2c=0,c-2=0
所以 c=2,b=-4 ,a=-2

Chapter 1: The Discovery to Start it All
"Is it time to wake up already? I thought it was my day off. Wait... that's not my alarm clock. Li!"
"Time to wake up, sleepyhead."
"Come on L...


Chapter 1: The Discovery to Start it All
"Is it time to wake up already? I thought it was my day off. Wait... that's not my alarm clock. Li!"
"Time to wake up, sleepyhead."
"Come on Li, what time is it?"
"Well, Ace, it's eleven o'clock." Ace opens his eyes and looks at the clock.
"Dang, it sure is," Ace states, yawning.
"So, what's on the agenda today?" Li asks.
"Well, nothing really. Why do you want to know?" mumbles Ace, still half-asleep and surprised by the question.
Before Li can answer, the phone rings unexpectedly. Ace crawls out of bed, stifling a yawn as he drudges over to the phone. He reluctantly picks it up, only to hear his boss on the other side.
"Ace? Is that you? You sound... different today."
"What's going on? Why'd you call me on my day off?" Ace mumbles, somewhat angry.
"Oh, that's why you sound different. I woke you, didn't I? Well, we need you here at work. We have a situation. I think you might be able to help us out," Ace's boss replies.
"I know, I know. It's your day off. I'll just go ahead and add a vacation day for you," interrupts Ace's boss.
"Well, then when should I get there?" Ace inquires, putting on a more business-like tone.
"We need you immediately. You're one of the only people here that can help us, you know."
"Okay, sir, I'll be there as soon as I can." Ace states.
He hangs up the phone, looking distraught.
"What'd he say, Ace? Huh? Huh?" Li interrogates extensively.
"Um, well... they need me at work today. Sorry, Li," Ace says regretfully.
"Aww, but we were going to do something fun today!" grumbles Li.
"Well, I gotta be off now. Just have time to throw some clothes on and get myself a cup of coffee before I go. Don't worry, they added a day to my vacation time for this." Ace states.
He jumps down the stairs, grabs a mug, pours himself some coffee, and yells back to Li with his head still inside the door: "Tell Wren what's going on. See ya later!" Ace then slams the door and runs to the car, coffee in hand.
At work, Ace finds himself being confronted at his desk. "There you are! Good, now-"
"Wait, slow down! Tell me what's going on before we dive right in!" Ace yells.
"Like I said earlier on the phone, we have a situation. We've discovered a new virus and since it's the first virus of the year,keen coronado, it will be referred to as 'Virus 2050.' It looks like it might be the only virus this year. The media have named it the 'Massive' virus. That's just the way they do things, I guess."
"So how can I help?" Ace inquires.
"Well, you see, the virus is stored in the largest webspace made available so far, measuring a terabyte. This virus, unfortunately, was programmed with what seems to be a high level of artificial intelligence. The virus rebelled on its creator and destroyed his computer. This code is extremely malicious and needs to be contained," his boss frantically states.
"I am your security tech, after all. I'll see what I can do. I think my experience with Visual C will provide some assistance. Contact the owner of the webspace and allow security clearance for this computer routed through the network. I'll send them a packet with the correct information," Ace calmly says.
"Sounds like a good idea to me, I'll get right on it!" The boss runs back to his office. Ace boots up his computer and starts coding. After some time and quite a few compiles, Ace finishes a working beta of his program. He contacts his boss to come and check his work.
His boss, Mr. Bailey, comes around to check his progress. Ace leaves the code on the screen while he waits for his program to start. "That's nice, Ace, but I have no clue what it all means,asics schwarz," Mr. Bailey tells Ace, confused.
"Oh, that's code,Louboutin Sandals, sir! I'm waiting for the program to start." The screen flickers and a window pops up, showing Ace's program.
"Hmm... Inward Firewall v. 1 beta... sounds good enough for me," Mr. Bailey stutters.
"Well, this program monitors outgoing communication only, instead of ingoing and outgoing communication. This program blocks outgoing communication, but it's only in the beta stage. It's the best thing I can do with such a limited amount of time. It should be stable enough, but I bet it's only a matter of time before the virus breaks through, as it learns from every mistake."
"It should be enough for now. I'll handle the safe transit and installation on the server. You can go now." Mr. Bailey states.
"Thanks. See you tomorrow, Mr. Bailey!" Ace shouts on his way out.
"Goodbye, Ace. Good work."
Ace takes the elevator down and walks out of the giant MicroCorp building. As Ace approaches his car, his cell phone rings inside his pocket. He glares at the caller ID, wondering who would call him this time of day. The name on the ID reads "Kourada, Ace."
"Li. Should've known," Ace mumbles as he picks up. Li calls out from the other side of the line.
"Ace, let's go somewhere tonight!"
"Okay, Li, where did you have in mind?"
"How about the CyberCafe on Main and Smith?"
"Fine. Is Wren coming?"
"If I can drag him along, hahaha!"
"Okay, cool. I'll meet you there as soon as I can. Just got off."
"Neat, see ya there!"
Ace hangs up and slides the phone back into his pocket. "Li; always wanting to do something. He's gonna drive me crazy one of these days. And broke!" Ace thinks to himself.
Ace arrives at the caf?? and sees Wren and Li walking in. He jumps out of his car to join them. As he walks in, Li and Wren are being seated. After the waiter leaves, he slides into the booth smoothly. "Hey guys! How's it going?"
"Want to go play that dancing game over there? Huh? Huh?" Li inquires enthusiastically.
"No, not really. That game seems a bit weird to me." replies Ace.
"Okay, whatever. See you guys in a bit; just get me a burger, ok? I'm gonna go stomp some arrows," Li yells, walking off into the game room.
"I can't believe that game became so popular again."
"Hmm? What was that, Wren?"
"I just can't believe that dancing game became popular again. I mean come on, that game originated when? 2000? That's fifty years ago! Plus, it's kinda embarrassing!"
"Well, I guess the answer is simple: people like to dance!"
"Mm-hmm. Guess so. Wait a sec, do I have to say the whole entree name? I sure as heck won't say that I want a 'Cyberifically-Charred Cheeseburger aloud in public. Don't expect me to anytime soon either."
"Just tell 'em you want a cheeseburger and I think they'll understand," Ace blurts out.
They order and just after the food arrives, Li comes back and sits down. "That was awesome! I played at my best and there were even people watching! They asked how long I'd been playing the game and I told 'em I'd been playing for half a year. They were pretty impressed!"
"Good job, Li. Anyway, let's eat!" exclaims Ace. They eat and leave to go home.
Later that night, Ace lies awake in his bed. "That new virus worries me. If it's housed in that giant amount of space, what can it use that space to do? It's also artificially intelligent, so it'll learn from everything we do to crack in and destroy it. Hopefully my firewall holds for quite a while; if it doesn't, something terrible might happen."
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已知a的绝对值=根号3,b的绝对值=2,a与b的夹角为30 °求a+b,a-b的绝对值 已知b《根号a-3+根号3-a+3/1,化简绝对值b-2+绝对值3b-1+根号a的平方? 已知a的绝对值等于根号2+根号3,b的绝对值=根号3-根号2,求a+b的值 已知根号a-2+b-3的绝对值=0,求a+b的平方根 已知a绝对值=8,b=4,求根号a+2b的值 已知向量a*b的夹角是135°,且绝对值a=1,绝对值2a-b等于根号10,则绝对值b等于多少 已知实数a,b满足3根号a+5绝对值b=7,S=2根号a-3绝对值b,求S的取值范围. 已知实数a,b,且2a小于b小于0,化简根号(a+b)平方+2a-b的绝对值-根号b平方 已知b小于根号a减去3减去根号3减a,化简b-2的绝对值家3b-1的绝对值 已知,a.b为两个向量,绝对值a等于1,绝对值b等于根号2,第一,若a平行b.,求a乘b?3Q 已知a.b满足b=根号a的平方-4+根号4-a的平方+4/a-2,求式子绝对值a-2b+根号ab 已知a,b属于R比较|a|+|b|/2与根号2乘根号绝对值ab的大小后者 已知a,b属于R比较|a|+|b|/2与根号2乘根号绝对值ab的大小 已知2b-a小于3,2a-b小于5,化简2b-a-4的绝对值+ a+b-9的绝对值-根号(b-2a+7)的平方已知2b-a小于3,2a-b小于5,化简2b-a-4的绝对值+ a+b-9的绝对值-根号(b-2a+7)的平方 已知a,b,c满足绝对值(a-根号7)+根号(b-5)+(c-4根号2)的平方=0求a,b,c的值是多少 已知(根号a+b2)+绝对值(b3-8),求b分之2a的平方根 已知绝对值a向量等于绝对值b向量等于1,绝对值2a向量-b向量等于根号3则ab夹角 已知5分之1绝对值号3a-b-7绝对值号+根号2a+b-3=0,求(b-a)a的平方的平方根