
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/08 19:50:06


SLANG Bill meaning a police man, 警官
EXAMPLE "Shut up! The Bill is outside."
SLANG door to door
meaning a door, 门
EXAMPLE "I knocked on the door to door many times."
SLANG a fiver
meaning a five pound note,5英镑钞票
EXAMPLE "He gave me a fiver."
SLANG gents
meaning a men's toilet,男厕所
EXAMPLE " Is there a gents in this park?"
SLANG hot rod
meaning 改造车
EXAMPLE "You wanna run my hot rod?"
俚语6 Irish
意思 a wig, 假发
EXAMPLE ”He might wear an Irish.
俚语7 lav
意思 a lavoratory, 厕所
EXAMPLE "Where is your lav?"
俚语8 peeve
意思 to irritate, 是急躁.
EXAMPLE "Don't peeve me!"
俚语9 puke
意味 vomit,呕吐物
EXAMPLE "There's puke on the table."
俚语10 short fuse
意思 a quick temper,其性子,没耐心
EXAMPLE "My dad is a short fuse."
俚语 junk mail
意思 an unwanted postal advertisement, 广告邮件
EXAMPLE "I have never opened the junk mail."
俚语 ding-dong
意思 a song, 歌
EXAMPLE "My favorite ding-dong is "Yesterday"."
俚语 cherry ace
意思 a face,脸
EXAMPLE "His cherry ace reminds me John."
俚语 shrimp
意思 a very small person,(蔑称) 小子,不重要的人物
EXAMPLE "Who is that shrimp standing in front of the door."
俚语 lose a bundle
意思 to lose a lot of money, 失去一大笔钱
EXAMPLE "I know, I would lose a bundle if I played the Pachinco."

1.You lot must think I'm stupid .
You lot: all of you
2.I'm skint.
Skint: short of money
3.I met some bloke in the pub.
Bloke: man
4.Fancy a cuppa?


1.You lot must think I'm stupid .
You lot: all of you
2.I'm skint.
Skint: short of money
3.I met some bloke in the pub.
Bloke: man
4.Fancy a cuppa?
Fancy: do you want...
Cuppa: cup of tea
5.Skiing is a doddle.
Doddle: easy
6.Lend me a quid.
Quid: one pound
7.He's an ace footballer.
Ace: excellent
8.I need the loo
loo: toilet
9.She's full of beans.
Full of beans: full of energy
10.This film is rubbish.
Rubbish: garbage=bad
11.I need to spend a penny.
Spend a penny: go to the toilet
12.Ta (pronounced Tar)
Ta: thanks
13.That fish is a bit dodgy, he's a dodgy person.
Dodgy: suspicious
14.What's on the telly?
Telly: televison
15.You look trendy.
Trendy: Fashionable
16.Keep your hair on! - Calm down!


我要英国俚语!英国的哟!不要写成美国俚语! 英国俚语和美国俚语的区别大吗?主要是因为我要讲一节俚语课,是否要标明哪些是英国俚语,哪些是美国俚语?因为我看到了“驴”这个词,有一个叫做MOKE,这说起来在英国和美国是有区别的,在 婴儿美国俚语怎么说英国的也可以. 有关俚语 求个俚语单词美国 英国俚语中 有小屁孩 或奶瓶的意思的单词 美国与英国的俚语(如果方便的话,请把每句俚语翻译一下,越多越好) 美国口语俚语英国澳大利亚等英语国家的人能听懂吗!我背了很多美国俚语口语 怕去别的地方外国人听不懂 常用的美国俚语 在英国俚语中 有个词的字面意思是 天然气 但英国俚语里是放屁 是哪个? 美国俚语如果在英国或者别的地方说的话是不是很奇怪?我是学英式英语的,但是很多电视啊书啊,都在教美国俚语,而我在想,美国俚语与标准英语,是不是相当于方言和普通话呢?在别的地方用是 仁者无敌用英语怎么说?“仁者无敌”用英语怎么说?要标准的美国或者英国俚语有没有专业一点的阿 美国俚语 rough around the 哪位英语达人给解释下,不过这些是英国和美国的俚语,不是字面翻译的意思。 求一些与水果和蔬菜有关的美国俚语谚语我喜欢美国的俚语谚语, 英语和美语中的俚语问题英语和美语中俚语的用法是通用的么?会不会英国人听不懂美国俚语?还有如果我要考雅思但是我习惯美语发音行不行呢? 各位告诉我点美国经典的俚语! 美国俚语mad的来源是什么 什么是美国俚语啊? 什么是美国”俚语”?