英译汉高中水平Today's children get lots of messages and values from television and from friends. They are encouraged to buy things they don't need. What they need is an understanding of the value of the dollar.To learn about money children nee

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:25:06

英译汉高中水平Today's children get lots of messages and values from television and from friends. They are encouraged to buy things they don't need. What they need is an understanding of the value of the dollar.To learn about money children nee
Today's children get lots of messages and values from television and from friends. They are encouraged to buy things they don't need. What they need is an understanding of the value of the dollar.
To learn about money children need to have some. Experts say payingcertain amount of money each week is the best way to teach children the meaning of money, how to use it and how to plan.
But how much should the parents give? Some ezperts suggest giving one dollar for each year of age,but Dr.Mellan disagrees:"Ithink 5 year old." What is right for your children depends of three things :the child's level of development, how much you can give, and what you expect him to pay for.
No matter how much you give them,children will soon feel they need more. What they should learn is how to be good money earners,savers and spenders,

英译汉高中水平Today's children get lots of messages and values from television and from friends. They are encouraged to buy things they don't need. What they need is an understanding of the value of the dollar.To learn about money children nee
当然要去了解钱,孩子们得有一些钱来使.专家说若要让小孩子明白什么是钱,应该如何花钱如何计划使用,最好方法就是每周固定给一些零花钱给他们.那么到底应该给多少呢?有些专家建议小孩几岁,每周就给几美元.但是Mellan博士反对,并表示:(这里楼主你漏了一些,或者你的材料那里就是不对劲的.原文应该是: but Dr Mellan disagree: “I think 5 dollars a week is too much for a 5-year-old, and 15 dollars is probably not enough for a 15-year-old.”)“我认为对于5岁小孩,一周5元太多了,而对于15岁的青少年15元一周又太少了.到底给多少应该以三个标准来决定:孩子心智有多成熟,你自己的钱有多余裕以及你期望小孩子会拿着钱去花在什么地方.事实上,无论你给多少,他们都会想要更多.而他们需要学到的,是如何做一个懂得挣钱、省钱、花钱的孩子.







