
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:29:22


You and I go to the school every day.你和我每天一起去学校.
A boy or two girls are at home.
The watch was cheap,but it goes quite well.
The son has gone also.
This box is too heavy to be lifted.
I have bought two books,you can have either.

The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish.
We stayed for an hour or so.
He is a villain,but he has some virture. 他是个坏蛋,但他还有一些优点。
It is not only ...


The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish.
We stayed for an hour or so.
He is a villain,but he has some virture. 他是个坏蛋,但他还有一些优点。
It is not only a wall. but it is also a tourist resort.
My home is too far away from school.
I don't like eating outside ,either.我也不喜欢在外面吃


You and me are students.
Are you his sister or friend?
She is smart but too small to take the work.
She is lovely and also friendly.
He is tall, and I am tall too.
Either of the two boxes is red.

1. My mother and I are very close.
2. Only your father or mother is allowed to enter the hall.
3. Andy Liu is old but he is very healthy.
4. Anna is also unmarried.
5. Amy too is unmarried.
6. Either your father or mother must report to the headmaster.

用and,or,but,also,too,either各造一句句子 and but also too either 的用法 and和also,too(but和either)可不可以同时用在一个句子里; 用either```or neither````nor``` not only```but also``` both```and```造句句子要好(4句) fruit id healthy food,____rice is healthy food,too.用and,but或or来填空 用连词Either...or,Neither...nor,Both..and,not only.but also,as well造5个句子 My grandparents could ____read___write_____they were too poor to go to school in the old days.either or and neither nor becauseboth and becausenot only but also ,so选哪个 the baby could read write because he is too little a not only ,but also b either ,or c neither , both...and...neither...nor...either...or...not only...but also...这四者的区别及其用法, either;or both;and neither;nor not only;but also 各有什么用法 什么意思 not only··but also neither nor either or both and 翻译 Can you play the guitar ( )the violin? A.and B.but C.also D.or He has no money _ friends.A.or B.and C.but also D.not any 用or,and ,so ,while ,but ,not only ...But also...填空:()Tom ()Jim has been to用or,and ,so ,while ,but ,not only ...But also...填空:1.()Tom ()Jim has been to the Great Wall 2.Tom is a careless boy ()he does everything car 用连词and,but,or,so填空 用or and but so 造句 用either.or both.and neither.nor not only.but also 出几个题 并写出答案,并说明原 因 初三英语填空,用both and,either or,not only but also,neither nor填空My mother told me tomatoes are____ fruit____ vegetables.