
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 11:09:40


There is a big river in Africa,live two crocodiles in this big river,the estuary coast grows many palm trees and the estuarine center is an islet and grow many banana trees on the island.One day,two crocodiles float on the surface and the big crocodile says to the small crocodile;"Kid,your lo,coast that palm tree!"Once the small crocodile see,,there is a small monkey on that palm tree and live to leap frisky.
"Kid,mother's mouth is thin very this several days,want to eat a point what fresh.You went to catch that monkey and I wanted to eat his heart.""Mama ah,I how catch live monkey?The monkey doesn't enter water again and I can't climb a tree again.This matter son is difficult to do.""You the very good son consider,will figure out a way of."
The small crocodile thought along while and really devised a plan to come.He climbed to go ashore and climb to palm tree front of,the Yang wears a head and say to the small monkey:"Small monkey,you played this along while and isn't the belly hungry?""I really felt hungry and you listen to and does the belly murmur murmur ground call!"
"Do you want to eat banana?Your lo,the banana is many on that islet!"
"Don't go,I can't swim and how go to?"
"We were old neighbors,I to help you favour!You ride at my carry on the back up,I take you to the islet up,let you eat to heart's content."",That liked too much!Xi Xi Xi ……I have to thank you!Xi Xi Xi ……"the small monkey has at the right moment jumped carry on the back of small crocodile since the tree jump down.The small crocodile Duo wore small monkey to descend river and swim ah,swim ah,suddenly,body downwards on sink frighten small monkey call:"Oh,small crocodile,you can don't be kidding and I will drown.You quickly swim,visit islet up,I delicious banana.""Hey Hey,do you want to eat banana?My mama is wait for to eat you of heart which."Small monkey this just knows oneself is greedy and ascended small crocodile of be.How to do?He thought on think,say to the small crocodile:"Your mama wants to eat my heart,good,you how late tell me?I only wanted to eat banana,brought a mouth,didn't bring heart.""That you of heart?"
"Does my heart put on the palm tree."
"!That we return to quickly to coast go,you you of the heart bring."The small crocodile once turns body,visit near the bank,the small monkey hurriedly jumped up shore to go to,three leap two jumped ground to ascend palm tree.

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