
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:17:12
郑谷描写菊的诗中的名句 双螺母防松两个螺母中间在加弹垫会有什么影响?我的设计思想是这样的:用平垫+弹垫,上面使用双螺母,两个螺母中间在加一个弹垫.分析下来,下螺母会受到上下两个弹垫的两个反方向的力,这 填单词:Can you think____her last name汉意是:你能想出她的姓氏是什么吗? Then you can________364-4577.每空一词 英语对话do you think luck and opportunity contributes more to success then diligence does?why?是要英语对话,不要作文也不要翻译,对话不要太短。 用“be good to"怎么造句~`急` 用所给单词的正确形式填空Can you (think)what his job is. 用be good to作英文造句 It's a very heavy snow.(改为感叹句)___ ___ heavy snow it is! What about your weekend?的意思 在氧化还原反应中金属元素被还原一定得到金属单质吗?如题.尽快回答,请举例, 该画上句号打一口语 化合价与金属活动性强弱有什么关系 怎么看一个女孩子是不是真的喜欢你 I come to tell you jack ()for london tomorrow morning .his plane ()at ten amI come to tell you Jack ()for London tomorrow morning .His plane ()at ten am.A is leaving,leaves B is leaving ,is leaving C leaves,leaves D leaves ,isleaving 我不知道为 The students _____(tell)there'll be an English test tomorrow. can you tell me where to meet you 这里填to meet 的原因是什么 Sorry,jack.I (plan) to offer you help,but I was too busy They spent all night ___ the work.A.do B.to do C.doing.D.done I Think i Iove you i think robots will clean the room for us in the future 对划线部分提问划线部分:clean the room I think you, where are you 什么意思啊! 答非所问作文素材(详细例子) is your where game computer 连词成句? do you think what people will be in the future .里面的what为什么要改为that.这是个什么句子?求大神们支支招,小弟谢过. quiet什么意思 &;amp;amp;quot是什么意思 quiet的意思 “存在即是合理”这句话在哲学的层次上说是正确的吗?这句话在哲学中颇受争议, 哲学是一切学科存在和发展的源泉 in old man the whose landed a pilot pield was 连词成句 will who me forget the helped woman never I是field This is a lovely panda.(改为感叹句)