
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/21 16:30:18
The police ______ outside when Mr.Bush reached the airport.A.were stationing B.stationed C.were stationed D.was stationing The goods______when we arrived at the airport.A.The goods______when we arrived at the airport.A.were just unloading B.were just been unload C.were just being unloaded D.had just unload 请问这道题选什么呢?为什么? The goods _____ when we arrived at the airport. A. were just unloading B. were just been unloading C. had just unloaded D. were just being unloaded 雅思作文(范文/模板) 雅思作文(范文/模板)哪里有 世界上主要的边缘海 世界上的海洋主要分布在( )选择:A.北半球 B.南半球 C.南极周围 D.北温带地区 大河文明与海洋文明构成了世界文明.这些文明的代表主要有哪些 雅思大作文范文题目是 Some people think young people should follow the tradition of the society. Others think young people should be free to behave as individual. Discuss both view points and give you own opinion.要是是不少于250字 英语辨析题.We saw a plane high in the skyWe all think highly of him.We saw a plane high in the sky.辨析两句话中的highly和high. 我目前雅思5分 想提高到5.5 请问大概需要多久 我雅思目前5分 听力 4.5 阅读5 写作4.5 口语5 这个水平 我想提高到总分5.5 请问难吗 大概不到两个月时间 50天左右?希望大吗 地理之最汇编世界上最长的山系是..最大的火山地震带..最大的流动沙漠..最大的三角洲..最大的半岛..最大的海..最小的海..最浅的海...最淡的海..最年轻的海..水温最高的海..岛屿最多的海..最 我的人生我做主我的人生我做主帮忙想篇作文 谁能提供最多的地理之最 雅思小作文范文有哪些 It was a wilp plane at that time,but now there is a school and an airport.my friends and I play ...It was a wilp plane at that time,but now there is a school and an airport.my friends and I play volleyball at the school gym every monday and friday ev 世界上的海洋主要分布在 初一地理、生物上册重要知识点! 设f(x)=x^3.则f(a+bx)的导数是? f(x)=a^(bx) ,求f(x)的导数!. 北极圈经过的洲有什么洲 北极圈穿过的国家(全部) 求2010年12月份内蒙古英语3级明天下午3点就要考了!有的Q密4206653 谁有2010年6月19日内蒙英语三级答案A卷的 内蒙古英文怎么写 谁知道2010英语内蒙古自治区英语3级成绩在哪查询查询出来没,急!1 look I can see 什么 plane in 什么 sky look ar the sky.can you find thr bird flying the是flying吗 如果是see的话是flying但是这found的话我就忘了... 流星雨许愿会实现吗?今天看流星雨许了个小小的心愿. 请问德牧配种后多少天就可以看出他的肚子比原来大了?还有就是如果他怀孕后身体会有那些变化?多谢 e^z-xyz=0 用复合函数求偏导数方法求z对x的偏导