
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 16:19:30
既然你对这段感情如此对待,我又何必一往情深.英语怎么翻译 求新概念第二册48课课文复述,要简短点! 度可以加上偏旁吗?如果可以的话怎样组词? 要证明自己,想要受到别人认可是什么心态?自卑还是好强? 人生为什么挫折感越多的话,自卑感越重啊? I'm not used to _____________(treat) like this.being treated 对不 在△ABC中,AC=BC,∠C=90°,点P在三角形内,且∠PAB=∠PBC=∠PCA求证:S△PAB=2S△PCA 手不释卷这篇短文主要讲了什么? 手不释卷这个成语是什么意思?主要讲了哪几个人手不释卷?说说体会 雨下得很大.怎样把句子写得很夸张 that does 写夸张句:雨下的真大,______________________________.例:时间好比春风,他能帮助我们驱散心头的愁云;时间如同细雨,他能帮助我们洗去心灵的杂质.书籍好比____________,________________________________; It does that every day about this time神马意思~It does that every day about this time~还有wounded pride...come perilous close to fear3Q~ that does it!bernie!get the poison! 盛组什么词啊 盛组三个词 如图,正方形ABCD中,AB=4,E是BC的中点,点P是AC上一动点,则PE+PB的最小值是 如图正方形abcd中ab等于4e是b的中点点p是对角线ac上一动点thep加pb的最小值为 如图,正方形ABCD,AB=4,E是BC的中点,点P是对角线AC上一动点,则PE+PB的最小值为() 我喜欢这样的生活 用英语怎么说拜托各位了 3Q 把下面句子改成被动语态1.many people visit the science Museum every day2.We must send him to the hospital at once3.Mr Li will teach physics in the lab tomorrow4.the workers built the bridge last year 5.We call him xiao ming 6.Mike invited m “让自己的人生不留遗憾”用英语怎么说拜托各位了 3Q 将下列句改被动语态1.I will send a message immediately.2.We must sell all these goods.3.I told you he would receive the parcel in time.4.He has to deliver the letter by hand.5.They must have lost yourletter inthe post. 如图,已知半圆直径为AB,以AB一边作正方形ABCD,CM是半圆的切线,CM=CB,连接CO交半圆O于点N.若正方形边长为4,延长CM交BA的延长线于点E,求EM的长.方法 如图,已知三角形ABC是等腰三角形中,角ABC=90°,AB=10,D为三角形ABC外一点,连接AD.BD,过D作DH垂直AB,垂足为H,交AC于E.(1)若三角形ABD是等边三角形,求DE的长(2)若BD=AB,且tan角HDB=3/4,求DE的长 形容心情糟糕的段落 英语翻译请别用GOOGLE . 如何区分进行时 动名词和形容词比如这三句话(1)In fact,they areentertaining for both children and adults.(2)Jenny was walking to the store with her sister.(3)The children really like making presents for their parents.请 弧MN是以O为圆心的一段弧,角MON=90',过弦MN的中点A,作AB平行于ON,叫弧MN于点B ,求角BON的度数 listen to music的过去式和现在进行时以及将来时的形式各是什么 buy sth for sb等于()()sth sb同义句转换,每空一词His parents bought lots of food and drinks for us.His parents________ ________ lots of food and drinks us.不要什么buy sb sth=buy sth for sb的,上面是()()sth sb!谢谢1楼的回 He is busy preparing for the speech,so he can't help _____the experiment whih us.