
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:31:40
68.500的英文单词 英语翻译“朱买臣,字翁子……买臣乞其夫钱,令葬”的翻译 Hainan is ___ island .It's beautiful .A.a B./ C.an D.the 关于朱弁的《送春》的几个问题 朱弁的送春中北方的"春天"有何特点 My watch doesn't w___,can youtell the timetomorrow it will be r___,you should remember to bring an umbrella to schoolthe little girl looked at the entrance w___because she couldn't find her mom 猜猜这组拼音简写的意思:XHDRBCX,CXDRBXH. 单身男人用英文怎么说啊?如题! liǎng sāi拼音 当你知道你只能再活一年的时候,如题 如果只有一年可活 你会做什么 假如还能活一年,你会做什么呢? If your watch keeps the same time as another one does,you---say your watch keep the right time.答案不中要,一定要中文! Who ___(teach) you Chinese?He looks very cool when he w___ his hat.Who was the first p____ to swim across the English Channel?附解析! the boys are playing volleyball() in the sports center The boys are playing basketball instead of___volleyballA.playing B.play C.playing the D.to play 这个世界是圆的还是方的 世界是圆的? 世界是圆的吗? 一工作哥哥做4天完成了一半,剩下由哥哥弟弟一起用3天完成.如果这些工作由弟弟一人做,需要几天才能完成 甲工作3天休一天,乙工作4天休一天,5月7日他们都休息,下次什么时候他们一起休息 用适当的介词填空:liu tao comes ___ china.can you tell me the way ___ the cinema?go ___ this street ,and then you can see a supermarket.the post office is ___ zhongshan road, 用恰当的介词填空.1.miss li lived ______london _____19852.ann says she"s going to help me ______my lessons.3.the teachers often have a meeting______wednesday afternoon.4.they"ll leave for beijing_______a few days.4.it"s very kind _____you to d they were playing volleyball on the beach yesterday.为什么过去式用“playing”ing形式? Look.He is piaying the volleyball on the beach中哪个单词错了? 不吃不喝怎样活的时间最长?如题 喝水也行 人为什么会犯罪,罪恶起源在哪里,魔鬼又从而何来,世界上为什么会存在罪恶的魔鬼?存在皆合理?为何? 世界上为什么有罪恶的存在? 山东临沭三圆广告公司用英语怎么说? Step on a crack; break your mother's back“脚把裂缝踩,妈妈背折断”这句古谚语什么意思? 英语翻译这是我现在的号码,一直都在用的. 我就想问一问题、活着的意义是什么?