
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:45:45
英语达人帮忙写篇作文Is high degree equal to high ability 要求100字 英语翻译我平时喜欢看一些外国的小说,但发现不同出版社翻译的都不一样,感觉怪怪的,麻烦请推荐一些翻译较好的出版社. 帮忙介绍个很好的英汉翻译器,最好是准确些的 《名人传》这一段翻译是哪个版本,哪个出版社的?读来很好哦.直到那一天,绝望顿生,也许是由于临死前的狂热飓风,他突然离开了住所,四处流浪,奔逃,在一所修道院投宿,然后又上了路,最后病 Adobe CS4 错误licensing for this product has stopped workingerror:147:20 AE CS4 安装的时候输入过期序列号,然后再打开就一直显示 Licensing for this product has expried.求大神解决如何再次打开输入序列号的窗口? 我的AE CS4 打不开啦 出现 Licensing for this product has expired. photoshop for mac安装后说licensing for this product has been expired,怎么办如题序列号什么的都已经填好了都已经安装好了竟然打不开由于网速及其办,之前下载这个花了十多个小时,所以希望各位能够给 我的Adobe出现Licensing for this product has stopped working,请问怎么解决? You have to look after your little brother.改为祈使句 You must go to school early.改为祈使句You mustn't talk in the class.改为祈使句 you must look after yuur things如何变成祈使句 谁知道牛津简明英汉词典(或者类似的词典),词汇量大概多少呢然后:出去一些没用的,变形的,词汇量大概是多少呢 ThisEvaluation of DeepFreeze has expired汉语意思是什么各位大侠 帮帮忙5555555555555555555555 Ican't fine my watch.It may be( )A.found B.lostC.lose D.find I can't find my watch .it may be in your pocket(改为同义句) I cang't find my watch ._____it_____inI can't find my watch .it may be in your pocket(改为同义句) I cang't find my watch ._____it_____in your pocket I can't find my watch .it may be in your pocket(改为同义句) I cang't find my watch ._____it_____in your pocket 英语翻译翻译的是我的论文提纲 求个比较好的翻译软件,不是有道) 全自动翻译机 有道如何翻译 与某人聊天书上是chat to,但是感觉应该是chat with who wants to chat with how to chat with foreigers 金山词霸为什么所有的词典都没有了? 一句英语翻译 请点评指正原文:随着数字影像技术和Internet技术的不断发展,可以用一个专用的播放软件在互联网上播放全景图像,用户可用鼠标和键盘控制观察全景的方向,可左可右可近可远, 英语翻译我的翻译:After stitched the panorama photography,we should release the photo into a format which can be played and browsed by software.Generally,panorama photography can be published as a web page format,exe format,mov foramat (requ 祈使句 疑问句怎么回答下列句子则怎么回答/否定和肯定两种1.Don't.2.Would you mind.3.Please. chat with Englishmy English is poor,so I want to improve it,who can help me.who can chat me with English. yo,can i chat with in englishu ve been american for several years ,but u still need subtitles when watching the film?why算了,还是打中文吧,下面的话,憋不出来.是因为吞音严重,还是词汇太诡异了.你的现状呢.还有,我能 who can chat with me in English? who can chat with me in english everyday ? l (sometimes) chat with him in English.(对划线部分提问)5.My uncle does housework at home.(否定句) My uncle______ housework at home. 6.His favourite subject is (English).(就划线部分提问_______ ______ his favourite subje 新概念四和英文原版小说里的句子哪个经典?老有人说新概念如何经典啊,经典到什么程度呢.和那些著名作家的原版英文小说比怎样?比如诺曼 米勒的书 狄更斯的.新概念的文章都谁写的?现当