
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:48:22
英语翻译(1)说一口流利英语的人就是能把英语说得很流利的人.(定语从句,fluent,fluently)(2)为了更好地利用我们的时间,我们要合理安排个人的时间表.(in order to,make use of,personal,schedule 英语此空填什么---We have to be quick,the train starts at 10:00---Don't worry.There is( ) time to goA few B little C any D some选什么,请说明原因 八年级上册英语unit1的语法如 de sure to do 等等 英语翻译我的出生地是中山(强调地点)我们家去年度假是在海南(强调地点)今晚来参加我生日派对的是我的朋友们(强调人物)昨晚直到九点他才完成作业(强调时间)就是因为坏天气 x-0.8=42.2解方程 怎么解啊 Sally thinkssoap opears are_____(educational) than sitch.It is _____(possible)for me to finish the work today.Ineed another day to do it.He is a_______(success) athlete.Most people know him 典中点八年级上册R版英语答案有典中点的同志们,请把第一单元,B的答案和单元语法练的答案发过来,求求你们啦 Jane won the first prize.She ___ excited. A.may be B.can't be C.must be D.might beI feel so nice ___(have) you as my neighborWe may criticize someone if we see him ___ a rule. A.breaks B.broke C.breaking D.to break 三道题答案英语 若不等式x²+(k-1)x+4〉0的解集为R,求实数k的取值范围 高一数学(求通项公式)(1)0,3,8,15,24,…的一个可能的通项公式是______(2)1/2,-1/6,1/12,-1/20,1/30,…的一个可能的通项公式是______(3)7,77,777,7777,…的一个可能的通项公式是______ 已知不等式x²-(a+1)x+a<0,①若不等式在(1,3)上有解,求实数a的取值范围.②若不等式在(1,3)上恒成立,则实数a的取值范围是 设函数f(x)=log小aX(a为常数且a>0,a不等于1),已知数列f(x小1),f(x2),...f(xn)...是公差为2的等差数列,且x小1=a的平方.(1)求数列{Xn}的通项公式;(2)当a=1/2时,求证:x小1+x小2+…+Xn<1/3 高一数学啊,通项公式,急啊 1.Don't take the umbrella.It's ______ him.(答案是A)A.in possession of B.with the possession ofC.in the possession D.with possession of2.___ number of the people attending the meeting is very large,even ____ number of old men also attend the meetin 又一道,求通项公式~-1,7,-13,19,-25,31 3道英语题为什么,谢谢解答The workers worked for ____day.选项中又有the whole 又有all the 为什么答案是选the whole呢?难道all the 后面只可以接复数吗?We should live like Tom did.(改错)答案是把like 改成as,为什 为什么 求英语三道大题答案 方程组x+2y=5m,6x-y=4m的解满足x-2y+1=0,m=? 第40题 (2.0) 分 The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but() a lot of special customs as well.A、share B、spare C、.hold D、carry 第42题 (2.0) 分 The moon() to a large mirror which reflects the s 英语选择题 最好有解释 1,Are you still thinking about yesterday's game?Oh,that's ( )A.what makes me feel excited B.whatever I feel excited about C.how I feel about it D.when I feel excited2,The house still needed a lot of work,but( )the kitchen was finished.A.instead B.alt 解方程组 5x-2y=1 6x+y=8 外语版初三英语上册module6 unit1文章及翻译 英语翻译随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展,人民生活水平不断提高,广大民众对生活水平的质量要求也越来越高,中小型畜牧类企业在国民经济中的作用愈显突出.然而宁夏的中小型畜牧类 英语翻译SIMULATION IN OPTISYSTEM SOFTWAREOptiSystem is an innovative optical communication system simulation package that designs,tests,and optimizes virtually any type of optical link from the physical layer to the transport layer according OSI 用整体代入法解下列方程组:3x+8y=10、5x-12y=23. 英语翻译Today,MRI finds widespread application in the detection of disease and surgicalplanning.MR images are highly detailed representations of internal anatomy.Thesemay be called parameterized images because considerable skill is involved in ad 已知方程组 3x+8y=10 5x-12y=23 的解满足方程3kx+2y=1,求k的值 把全部过程写出来,详细点 销售一空 用英语怎么说?什么东西被销售一空, 英语翻译The response of two peanut cultivars (Tainan 9 and SK 38) to applications of six boron (B) rates (H3BO 3 at 0,0.12,0.25,0.5,1 and 2kg B ha -1) at two calcium levels [nil (-Ca) or CaSO 4 at 100kg Ca ha-~(+Ca)] to a B-deficient Oxic Paleust