
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 22:10:45
on display 和on show有什么细微的区别? 求写一篇An unforgettable lesson作文100字,大学水平文中要有we,return to our car,a man ,annoyed,a notice,name and address,to lears a lesson 风险型决策也称为随机性决策或概率型决策.这个说法正确吗我知道风险型决策也称为随机性决策是正确的·但是不知道称为概率型是正确的不? 决策的条件可分为确定、风险、完备、不确定中的哪三种 下列决策方法中哪些属于不确定环境下决策方法 a、德尔菲法 b、量本利分析 c、决策树法 d、最大最小值法下列决策方法中哪些属于不确定环境下决策方法a、德尔菲法b、量本利分析c、决策 ggg什么意思 GGG.是什么意思 Tom is (making a mess).对括号部分提问 若a表示有理数,则-a与a的大小关系是 A.a > -a B.a < -a C.a = -a D.不一定 we usually the day with breakfast填什么 on show 与 on showing 的区别 Mr Green usually starts the day ----breakfast 手臂做功问题已知一手臂重a千克 长b米 手臂从正常状态到水平抬正 做功多少 感觉不是10ab吧 力的方向和手臂垂直吧 时刻在改变 对吗 景公游于寿宫中无所不逮是什么意思 求帮忙写英语作文 标题:An Unforgettable Lesson标题:An Unforgettable Lesson字数:不低于150字并且不高于350 字满分:100要求:记叙一件发生在你与老师或同学之间的事1.事情在何时何地发生2.事情的经 如何理解“啊,你——令人叹服的大自然,高明的魔术师,卓越的雕刻家!” 英语翻译In a word,the more careful you are,the more you will get,the better you will do!有语法错误么?或者帮我修改一下?Thanks~very much~ 机械挖土机挖土 留坑底300mm人工挖土 如何计算挖土方定额中考虑放坡,那放坡是机械挖土按机械挖土放坡计算、人工挖土按人工挖土放坡计算 《谋略篇》是《孙子兵法》核心篇章吗 孙子兵法与战略管理···《孙子兵法》中提到:故经之以五事,校之以计,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰将,五曰法.道者,令民于上同意,可与之死,可与之生,而不危也;天者,阴阳、寒暑 观沧海中前几句是实写 we both agree --- the contractA.ON B.TO 反义疑问句:1,you have never been to Paris,_____? 2,he could hardly say a word,___?3,no one can answer the quertion 物理:不做功的判断“有力有距离,但力垂直距离”这句话什么意思拜托各位了 3Q 为什么在中垂线(面)上移动电荷的电场力不做功?3QRT,两点电荷之间的电场线的中点场强是最小,还是0 两点电荷之间的电场线的中点不是平衡了吗?为什么在中垂线(面)上移动电荷的电场力不做 观沧海这首诗前八句是实句,后六句是虚写对吗,如果是错的错在哪儿了 How happy he felt ______(see) you again! 这个字 怎么念啊 垚 谢谢 请问一下有谁知道人教版六年级数学书上册练习十内容和答案谁有?我都迷茫了,十分谢谢你们了2g 英语翻译Good afternoon,ladies and Gentlemen .It is a great honor to give speech here .The topic today is the responsibility on our shoulders.Frankly speaking,as we born in 1980s or 1990s,with very rich of substance in the modern society.the great 英语翻译Finding friendship is just like planting a tree.You plant the seed and take care of it to make it grow.First,you should choose a friend.What makes a good friend?It is not someone who just has money or good looks.A good friend be kind and 英语翻译Do you think you are smart If you are not sure,read the folloeing story.When Thomas Armstrong was little,he did badly at school and was sent down a year.But later on,he found he was good at writing.He worked hard and became a wirter and t