
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:33:00
连词成句 green a it was egg you caterpillar white now it's a A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly 我想知道卡特彼勒19级和20级的大概区别 以及大概待遇问题 还有就是卡特彼勒无锡研发中心的待遇好么? it was 划线 a caterpillar i always ________ to visit beijing 艾米纳姆哪首歌好学一定要好学 我英语 相当次 要是 lose yourself 这类的 就歇了吧 关于listen的用法listen可以单用吗,有哪些固定搭配? listen的用法________to pop music gives us much pleasureA)Listening B)Listened C)Listen D)Listens say.eat.love.think.look at的动词造句 用say,eat,love,think,look at造一个句子 要有中文翻译.不要太长 say look at think love eat 填表格1pandas_____for twelve hours a day2____this picture!lt's interesting3lt____that monkeys______fruit4the snake______the fute is another snake have a definite drop in developing artery disease.怎么翻译? 谁能帮我写一篇作文,用英语,我的国庆假期. 关于春节的作文还有它的读后感都要400子 only by practising a few hours every day 空格 inprove your English. could you; will you 选 哪个? It is only by practising English for several hours every day _________ be able to use it freely.A.will you B.may you C.that you will D.when you must 我看到单词不知道怎么读 怎么发音 【语文】请问我如何判断记叙文中的一句话 是否有推动故事情节发展的作用? 从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空 (learn ,understand ,speak ,wide ,从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空(learn ,understand ,speak ,wide ,make)1.English is the most ()used language in the world2.Sp 象牙塔是什么意思,出自哪啊? “天地不仁,以万物为刍狗.情缘如薄水,倚枪笑红尘”谁能告诉我这句话的意思和出处你只说一句的意思 那另外一句了?那就麻烦你也帮我解释一下另外一句的意思和出处好吗? “把酒倚剑尽知己,狂歌醉舞笑红尘”出自哪里? 为什么The children go to school.中go不加s.children是复数还是单数 nowhere is the decline of cultural diversity more manifest than with the youngsters. 怎么编语文童话故事呢? 跪求一篇300字的窗边的小豆豆读后感,最好是原创【可以修改别人的文章】,今天结束 I waited for him ______twenty minutes.填介词,说明理由. I waited for Mrs Brown for twenty minutes【用现在完成进行时态改写句子】 I [ ] [ ][ ]for Mrs BrownI waited for Mrs Brown for twenty minutes【用现在完成进行时态改写句子 I have been waiting for Mrs Brown【 】twenty minutes Is that you a tennis racket mend、fix、repair、restore的区别 "笑红尘"英文如何翻译? 国家重视保护非物质文化遗产有何重要意义