
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:29:02
隋朝的经济发展 隋朝的大运河经过今天的哪几个省份?可以看到今天的哪座大城市? 隋朝特点 To wait in line is good manners.可以写成Waiting in line is good manners吗?如果不可以请说明理由~……,^-^ Eech of the students ( ) a new dictionary,and they each ( ) a new pen,too.A.has,has B.has,have C.have,has D.have,have为什么 how much 和how may哪个是形容可数名词的? 歇后语:麻雀飞进烟囟里 this is jacket对(jacket)提问 Do you think it's ___(use) to learn English well? do you think it's important for them to learn english?why? Do you often draw in your free time?如题你确定麽? What do you often do in your free time?中文 用英语翻译什么是好人什么是坏人这句话 求翻译成英语!很短的两句话!急啊!好人帮帮忙!我公司将派遣X先生于X年X月X日至X年X月X日出访英国,参加X公司X展会活动,2010年X月X日离开英国返回.我公司担保申请人遵守所在国法律,按时回国. She didn't work hard ,her sister 用not...so...as.连接 “精神文明办公室”的翻译成英文应该怎么说 太平天国运动洋务运动百日维新失败的共同原因和教训是什么. 英文谚语麻雀虽小五脏具全怎么说 帮找名言50句,警句50句.记住,名言和警句是分开的要标上序号每个50句 50句格言一定要格言 中国“洋务运动”和日本“明治维新”的相同点是? 中国的洋务运动及百日维新为什么不像日本的明治维新成功 3、A Does,have,does B Do,have,does C Does,3、A Does,have,does B Do,have,does C Does,has,do D Do,has,do 从百日维新 辛亥革命 新文化运动 可以看出 中国近代化探索过程中具有什么特点 英语翻译I am going to (去电影院)怎么补充 到底还要不要写go to 英语翻译比如说,雪镇可否直接说snow town? 孙中山的资产阶级民主革命纲领的内涵是什么? Hard work 的中文意思是什么 doesn't work hard的中文意思是什么? The reason she failed in the exam was______.5.The reason she failed in the exam was______.A.that she hadn't worked hard B.because she hadn't worked hard C.why she hadn't woeked hard D.because she was too careless The reason why she failed the test was that she wasn't p__________(首字母填空)The reason why she failed the test was that she wasn't p_________.详解, 请问,我要作一些名片,但有些英文翻译,不知:影视部经理.客服部经理.请高人指点下...还有:设计部经理