
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:43:39
苏泊尔炒锅的质量!苏泊尔出的“精铸富铁锅”质量为什么这么差?用了十个多月锅底就裂了!我在超市冲着这个牌子买的 没想到质量这么差劲!请大家给出个主意吧 遇到这种问题了,怎么处理? 吃西红柿的好处 The sky was very beautiful when the sun rises.为何句末的要用rises,而不用rose? 几题间接英文文法的疑问请耐心达人帮解答:)以下几题间接英文文法帮看下 自己更写的如果即使文法对逻辑错误也请指正出哪几题有问题就是文法对但是外国人没这种讲法因为在下不确定只 孔子名句.表示广泛听取别人意见孔子名言、名句 植物细胞中的细胞器有哪些? 汽车太阳膜威固、强生、3M、龙膜、雷朋哪个最好?高中低档顺序如何? 汽车太阳膜是威固好还是3M.雷朋.龙膜.美装膜,吸热膜好还是光谱选择好 龙膜和3m、威固、雷朋玻璃膜有什么区别? 语法中的疑惑-----Have you seen______pen?I left it here this morning.-----Is it______black one?I think I saw it somewhereA the the B the a C a a D a the这个题目里面第二个空到底是填the还是a?本题到底选择什么? 语法疑惑The comments which he made __ marketing bothered his boss greatly.A.being concerned B.concernedC.be concerned D.concerning答案:D请问本句为什么选D(着重说语法)?请高手帮我翻译一下本句,并对四个选项 书本上有几题目文法不太会麻烦会的帮我解疑惑谢谢Q1.This city has six hundred thousand people.PEOPLE可不可以换成POPULATION阿?意思还是同等么?Q2.Christmas comes on the twenty-fifth of Decomber.为什么要用come on?Q3 语法疑惑TMr Wang______ in his old clothes,while his wife ______ a very pertty skirt.A,was dressed ,was having onB,dressed,was wearingC,was wearing,was dressedD,was dressed,was dresseddB 答案要在dressed前面加一个was吗?为什么 西红柿对男人有什么好处? 蕃茄对男人有什么作用? 连词成句 country to welcome our my this first in to be time is guangzhoumost in chrisemas popular is the festival britainmeeting that this one important more is thanpresents for there are some you.今天午夜21.50无效 best,this,Guangzhou,is,in,time,be ,the,to.连词成句 白菜怎么腌成咸菜 如果让你调到基础数学, DNA重组技术为什么要用到DNA复制啊,还有,T-DNA是什么?标记基因是什么? 什么是标记基因? 标记基因的筛选是否属于基因工程的第四部基因的检测与鉴定 This is my first visit ____ China .为何要填介词to. 做干萝卜咸菜一般在最后腌时要放多少盐合适? SAT语法题当中的问题Designed by Seattle architect James Cutler,these innovative dwellings are ensitive to their natural setting,【they complement】the wooded outlines of the landscape.答案中有2个选项中纠缠.而且经常考这两个 SAT 语法疑问,在SAT考试中S.V.O.,doing.S.V.O.doing.都分别是修饰什么的?还是说多半靠句意来判断?我发现有的是靠知识点,有的是靠句意.是我理解错了么?请快帮我解决一下,马上考试了.还有问题就是 请教一道sat语法题 疑问!P599 4During the labor dispute,barrels of potatoes were emptied across the C.highway,by which all traffic was therefore blockedE.highway,thereby blocking all traffic我看了李楠楠的网络课堂 然后说 svo,adv s SAT语法疑问According to 1974 census reports,the population of Tokyo was larger than that of any other city in the world except New York.我选的是the population of Tokyo was larger than that of other cities in the world except that of New York, SAT语法疑问请帮忙Hannah finished building her new all-purpose projects room last year,(A)and she has been working in the room for since.(B)and since that time she has worked there,为什么选A不选B?The validity of personality testa as accur 一个dna分子中有多少基因 DNA分子上有几个基因如题 am,to,going,grandparents,visit,i,my,weekend,this (连词成句)