
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:42:50
There is something wrong with the radio(改为同义句)①There is _____ ______ wrong with the radio.②There is _____ wrong with the radio. There is something wrong with the machine,反意疑问句是接is there还是isn't there? Q:A:The concert is August 31 st.问句应该怎样问啊 根据答句写问句.1._____________________?Yes,I was a teacher last year.2._____________________?Yes,she has a nice dress.3._____________________?Yes,she has got a nice dress.4._____________________?They are having a lesson.5._____________________ 怎么改没有be动词的一般疑问句?我有急用 only mother love is true love,it gives everybody everything all his Only Mother Love is true love.It gives everybody everything all ___ life.When you are still a baby,mother takes good care of you as ___ .In your ___ hours she always holds you in her arms.When you are ill,she stops her work right now to look after yo There isn's anything wrong with my computer.同义句转换 There is _____ _____ ______my computer is there anything/something wrong with your computer 选哪个is there some/anything wrongwithyour bike 选哪个 There isn't anything wrong with my computer.(同义句转换) There is not anything wrong with computer这句话啥意思 能否将anything换成something 想要一个英文名字 中文名字叫张晓彤英文叫什么好捏中文名字叫张晓彤英文叫什么好捏 小猴子工作室 我的名字里有个彤字,帮我取个个性英文名我是个女生,比较开朗,人际也不错,但我想要一个比较酷或拽的英文名. 英语翻译帮我翻译成英语 麻烦 小猴子给树涂上绿色,用英文如何翻译! how long have you lived here?A.at the end of 1990,B.since the end of 1990,C.by the end of 1990,D,D.in the end of 1990,选哪个,为什么 Do you have the resolutionthat make sure of the end of this Is there anything wrong with the remote c____. 翻译:"Is there anything wrong with you? Is there anything wrong with or与and的区别 2篇40字的英语作文帮我写2篇40字英语作文!一篇梦想!一篇写自己房间!超过50个字不给分!写的好的有加分! 一张好的英语便条怎么写?格式是怎么样的? 因为母亲病重,必须送去医院,而不能去机场送好朋友‘ 谁能帮我起一个好听的英文名?我的名字又一个彤字, 初一上英语作文(带题干)30个要初一上册的(人教)30个作文,要题干,30~40词急用急用!回复 wenzy花的葬礼:正因为我找不到,所以才提问求大家找。 Tom says he ___(learn)English harder than before this term.答案说是will learn为什么不是learned 为什么不是 汤姆说他这学期比以前都要努力 如果是说 汤姆说他这学期学习英语比以前都要努力 用英语怎么说 猫咪磨爪器的英语怎么说如题、 she doesn’t need help getting in and out of cars 不是help to do 么为什么是help getting? 急求初一水平英语作文;北京奥运会,要过去式的,60单词左右,最好带翻译 跪下了 用英语写一张便条内容如下你能带一些东西来学校吗,然后写你想要带的东西