
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:18:23
我英语口语比较差,同学们的都挺不错的,现在想下决心报个英语口语班,大家给推荐一个吧 翻译Rate are subject to 15% service charge in this hotel. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空. ____(put) on your coat,it's coat outside 求助英语翻译rate for single occupancy nominal charge for additional person. Tell me ____ what you mean (straight)是填straight还是straightly,为什么 英语翻译招标文件的翻译 中国的电器带到美国怎么用?我带的都是小型电器,比如手机,刮胡刀,ipod什么的,电压都是100-240左右.但是插头形状怎么解决?现在这些插头都是两个扁条那种,请问需要买什么样的转换器? Mr.talbot says that he will invite all the executive offers to come to lunch after they finished the meeting这句话对不对呀?错的话帮忙改正~并说明下~ the supermarket closed at 11.00p.m.的同义句 DELIVERY ORDER 的意思? order to是什么意思? issue a Delivery 买方在提货的时候,需要出示银行保函吗?theshipping agent here did not issue a D/O (Delivery Order) even though buyer presented the LG (Letter of Guarantee).这句话里面提到银行保函. Given f(x)=sinx and g(x)=cosx.Determine the zeros of each of the following a)f(x)+g(x) b)f(x)* g(x)找这两个结合函数的零点。sinx+cosx=0 找出所有的零点sinx*cosx=0 The boy ___(is/has)a medium build. My boy,don't exercise _____ an empty stomach.A.in B.at C.on D.withAndy,could you buy some _____ for me With pleasure.A.beef B.strawberry C.tomato D.cakePlaying computer games is bad for us.You had better ask your brother _____.A.to give up it B.not t He ——(be)popular among his students for his intelligence and patience. Woman is the _____of the women(第五个字母是u) ing加法的 急drinking enough water is a good habit 为什么要加ING drink enough water every day 为什么不加INGstaying up late is bad for your health 为什么要加ING 初二英语-选词填空 1.I have ___ toy cars in my room.2.I eat fruit ___ drink milk every day.3.My parents often ___ me to the park on Sundays.4.He usually comes to school ___.5.Please ___this book to Ann.6.Mum ___ me to get up at 6:00 and run wi 写出关于狼的成语,彦语和习惯说法,分别指出表现了狼的什么特点和习性 delivery-order 描写颜色的彦语 delivery order fee这是什么费用啊 在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,试证:(1)sinA=cos(90°-A) (2)tanA=cot(90°-A) “在班上,作文和写字算是我的‘强项’了”.“强项”为什么加引号? buy和sell的句型准确!THANKS! 关于sell和buyWe can ________ books ________ the bookstore A.sell,to B.buy,from C.sell,from D.buy,to buy和sell有什么区别 sell buy的区别 歌曲the sound of music 它是电影gradruate的插曲.很好听的旋律.其中歌词有说道:people speaking without thinking ...它整首歌想表达什么啊?我明白歌词.是想知道歌词下面想表达的意思. 夏夜的海边,一个白发苍苍的老者站在沙滩上,面对着茫茫大海陷入令人沉思中,老者在想些什么?请发挥你的想象写一写老者的内心独白 二楼有一个大阳台,能眺望大海和海滩,英文是什么!