
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:03:23
初一英语写单词 一个英文单词发音叫瑞秀? “拉克说瑞” 这个英文单词的拼写,这个是大致读音, 瑞读音的英文名 一个习惯性用的英语句子怎么写恰当?The place of walk through leaves footprint.这样的的句子有语病吧?还是walk through 如果改为going by 更好些或者是符合语法规则?走过的地方留下脚印!这样的句子习惯 造词成句(注意大小写).1.there,like,what's,in,weather,the,autumn(?)________________________________________2.light,plant,alittle,this,needs(.)______________________________ (英语)把所有的词连成句子(注意大小写和标点符号)1、 then knows who lived who here2、their protect to gold needed people the Spanish 3.lampa street the have didn't city 4.lights electric then invented weren't5.they that the 谁能帮我写几句用六年级水平英语的"中国传统节日习俗"啊?文中不能有那个节日名称,最好翻译 急啊~~~~~`是写这个节日的传统要干吗 向写春节 要拜年 要吃团元饭 用方框中所给的词或短语的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整next to,don't,in the afternoon,house,get up1.The ______ are in front of my school.2.They ______ like history lessons.3.They ______ at six o' clock.4.Who is _____ you?Daming. 用方框中所给的词或短语的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整!适当形式!用方框中所给的词或短语的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整next to,don't,in the afternoon,house,get up 1.The ______ are in front of my school.2 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺.1.-Mary's uncle is the m_______of a big company.-Really?2.E_________is very important in our daily life.Don't waste it.3.-Where is your English teacher?-I don't know.He answered a ph 根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词I am s____________ you like music. 与母爱有关的英文单词与词语(成语、诗句)最好不要词组 最好是一些拼写简单的单词 可以是具体的情感 也可以是表现母爱的具体物象 英语练习 用一个短语(随便一个词)造30个句子我急需30个句子 来教饿的妹妹 针式打印机用三等分的链式纸怎么设置连续打印我设置了纸张的格式,高度为9.3CM,宽度为21.6CM,刚好为3等分纸的高度和宽度,但是打印机还是默认A4纸的大小来打印的,这样打出来的话变成打一张 帮我做几道高一生物题 三角形分成4等分,有图! 有一堆棋子,把它们五等分剩余4个,取其中的三份再五等分剩3个,取其中两份五等分还剩2个,这堆棋子最少有多少个?要用算式来做,不能用方程. 平行四边形如何分成四等分,四种方法,最好带图. 如图,半径分别为2 3 4 的同心圆被分成八等分,求阴影部分面积. 英语填空(每空填一词)1.The final examination was a piece of cake.(保持句意不变)The final examination ()().2.How many sheep are there in Australia?(改为宾语从句)she asked ()()()()() in Australia.3.He got too angry to speak. 1.在下列结构中不含磷脂的细胞器有()a线粒体 b核糖体 c染色体 d核膜 e中心体 f高尔基体 g内质网A.adef B.bce C.be D.adfg2.下列有关生物遗传物质的叙述,正确的是()A.豌豆的遗传物质其要是DNA,DNA 下面甲图表示某C3植物的部分细胞结构和相关代谢情况,f代表O2或CO2,乙图表示温度对该植物光合作用与呼吸作用的影响(以测定的CO2吸收量与CO2释放量为指标),请根据图回答下列问题:(1) 根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示写单词1.Tommy wants to play with his friends outside and is u_____to do his homework in his room.2.These gates of the theatre are always open for the c_____of the visitors.3.Mount Huang is a great na 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词My parents go to work on w ______ and they have a rest on weekends.I received his gift,but I don’t want to a ______ it.W______ my mother,I don’t know how to live.Hurry up,Jack.We have to get to t 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,写出单词1.L____,the volunteers found her in the forest.2.Everyone should try their best to save e____.3.Lucy's father has worked here for n____ ten years.4.The teacher is ____(指着) at the map on the wall 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,写出正确的单词When do you have the English s_____ contest? 英语 填一填 根据给出的词的适当形式填空1.she ____(like) to swim in the sea.2.My mother usually___(cook) at home.3.His father often___(read)newspaper after lunch4.My friend sometimes___(watch)TV in the morning5.Ann likes ___(make)kite 英语填空(每空格填一词)1.How much was the sausage roll (保持原意)How much ()the sausage roll ()?2.He is the oldest teacher in the school.(保持原意)He is ()than ()()()in the school.3.A plane poes faster than a taxi.(保持 英语填空回答,一格限填一词!1、what is Miss zhang going to bring?she is going to bring—— —— —— ——.2、What 're you going to bring?l'm going to bring____ ____ ____ ____. 有一筐苹果,把它三等分后,余2个;取出其中的两份,又将这两份三等分,还余2个;……有一筐苹果,把它三等分后,余2个;取出其中的两份,又将这两份三等分,还余2个;再取其中的两份,仍将这两 一筐苹果,把它三等分后还剩2个苹果,取出其中两份,将它三等分后还剩2个;然后再取出其中两份,又将这两份三等分后还剩2个,这筐苹果至少有( )个?