
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 16:45:25
长5米的红色、绿色毛线绳各一根,从红绳上截去5分之3米,从绿绳上截去5分之3,哪一根绳剩下的多?多多少? 小红从两根长度都是4m的红、绿塑料绳上,分别剪去4分之3和4分之3米做手工.1.哪根绳剩下的部分长?2.当两根绳长度是几米时,分别剪去4分之3和4分之3米后剩下的部分同样长? 一个长方体的食品盒长宽高分别是40厘米20厘米和15厘米,售货员用红色的塑料绳捆扎,捆扎用的塑料绳全长多少回答准确率高,快 he's such a i don't believe he's such a bonehead.such是社么意思? in such a s()he was always shy 梁园日暮乱飞鸦,极目萧条三两家.翻译 有一个男人独白”As the last ship sailed,I suddenly watched you walk.”的曲子?一支开头抒情,后来摇滚的曲子,中间有个男人独白”As the last ship sailed...I suddenly watched you walk...my mind slowly.”有听过的请告 at the last ship sail towards distant horizon i sat there watching on a rock翻译是什么? 翻译 需要大量能量(能量用power) As The last ship sailed towards the distant horizon I sat there watching on a rock My mind slowly drifting away Forming into my...Dreamtale 求了~ As The last ship sailed towards the distant horizon! 英语翻译Write 200 word report on wave power.(not tidal estuary power) flower power是什么品牌香水 两个字的笔名:帮我起个男生的笔名要有内涵的 帅的不要和别人 一样的 “綦觞”这两个字的读音?含义?如果一个女生用这个当笔名有什么含义?或者代表了什么?如果想取个类似这种含义的笔名,什么比较好?问题有点多. 笔名为揣着希望飞翔,请用50字介绍笔名的意思或含义 取一个叠词的两个字的笔名? 1L1mol/L醋酸溶液中离子总数为2NA,这样说对吗,为什么 A Year Later,Haiti Struggles Back,求标题翻译, 0.1mol/L的硫酸铝溶液中含有的铝离子为0.2NA,为什么不对? 某外商欲在长江珠三角地区建立游戏软件开发产业,选择厂址时应优先考虑的因素是什么A邻近原料地B靠近市场C有高素质的科技人才D邻近机场和高速公路 yes,it is.t( )you.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词. Do you know the difficulty he has ___what eco-travel means?1.Do you know the difficulty he has ___what eco-travel means?A.understand B.understood C.to understand D.understanding 2.____ not to miss the fkight at 15:00,the manager set out for the airpo The studens___until the heavy rain stoped 中文意思我知道..填 did't go 为什么不填 can't go?说明理由谢了 What is online shpooing 一个宾语从句的句子 Did you know the difficulty he ----- the ticketDid you know the difficulty he ----- the ticket-----处为什么要填 had buying 麻烦分析一下 At this moment,you make my life full of looking forward Why do they come here? ____ do they come here ____? (句型转化 一词) likes model making ships he连词成句 model he ships for brother make can his (l连词成句) Parson City residents place a higher value on providing a good education in public schools than Blue City." place a higher value