
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:13:08
inspection certificate issued by person pointed by F and B 这是信用证person pointed 是签字的意思吗 信用证inspection certificate issed by mcc china confirming that the merchandise dispatch is correct信用证46A的这个条款是什么意思?就是想知道MCC The couple ____last year .They had lieve together for twenty years,though.A.broke out B.broke away C.broke up D.broke down 求分析. MTL INSPECTION CERTIFICATE是什么 inspection certificate duplex fashions请能人们翻译一下 \\"C.C.I.C inspection certificate"是什么意思?在国际贸易中,出现C.C.I.C inspection certificate是什么意思? 求翻译somewhat surprisingly, in terms of overall effectiveness, that there is little difference amsomewhat surprisingly, in terms of overalleffectiveness, that there is little difference among specific types ofinterpersonal psychotherapies (Wampol 雅思和托福 哪一个在国内比较好用? 雅思和托福分别适用哪些国家? 四大题,英语 watching是什么意思 ask for the ask for 和ask of有什么区别 软化退火600-650度,请问要保温多久,应该采用什么冷却方式?我们生产的一种零件要求HV120以下,现在做出来有近150 恳请老师赐教![] 黄铜棒与紫铜棒的区别是什么? I'll feed you up with something delicious. 1斤黄铜的价格和1斤红铜的价格分别是多少求大神帮助 请问QC里面的累计频率怎么计算的,见下表 QC常用的英文术语急用哈! 1立方米=8.5吨黄铜 直径7.4毫米 7.7毫米 7.8毫米 7.9毫米 求1吨黄铜各能拉多少米? ask require request 等可以表示要求 这时候要用虚拟语气 那么是不是这几个词就不能用于陈述语气了呢? "卐"五笔字型怎么打? 五笔如何打卐字用86版五笔如何打这个字啊 有时候,我们需要将脚步放慢,你如何看待生活中的快和慢 生活中的慢现象与快现象要具体的例子,大概四五个就可以了. 生活中还有哪些快和慢的现象呢 BIG JOHN怎么样 英语翻译新概念第3册 15课Very few of the fifty pence pieces and pound coins i have gaven him have found their way there. very few 和 too few区别如题 这两个词组有何区别阿?____few students came up with new answers to the maths problems.应该选very 还是 too 阿 very few isvery few是单数还是复数 very few potatoes是什么意思 一战中第一个被打垮的帝国主义国家