
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:23:24
1.Kitty is friendlier,so she is busier than all______nurses in the hospital.A.others B.other C.the other D.another 2.All the_____teachers had a good time on March 8th,because it was their own holiday.A.man B.men C.woman D.women 3.He was very interest 能不能教我做 用适当的介词填空,完成句子.1.What's the advantage ____ using computers?2.The film was too boring.I went out of the cinema half way _____ it.3.What are you going to buy ______ her. 2012.10.sat语法In the United States,the legal systems of 49 of the states were modeled after English law,(but Louisiana)was based on the Napoleonic Code and Roman law.A.whereas Louisiana'sB.however Louisiana's还有像nevertheless,whereby的用 2012 十月 sat 语法 考的是什么?因为我遇到语法加试了.金字塔那篇是不是有很多e jim lent me two english books ,but ( )of them ijim lent me two english books ,but ( )of them is easy enough for me 英语翻译1,Many people have contributed to this book,some directly-such as the authors,editors,and so on —and others indirectly,through their encouragement and support.To be the editors of this book has been exciting.To achieve its production 酷爱的反义词是什么谁知道 酷爱的反义词是 酷爱的反义词是什么 sat语法,为什么选D不选E 说错了,为什么不选C 酷爱反义词是什么 sat 语法题. 请问e错在哪里了? The questions were easy enough .We could anwer them.合并为一句? 为什么可以说There are many fish 却不可以说There are many grass 英语翻译TING ghost-like dolls(玩偶)hang from trees,big plastic(塑料的)spiders sit on rooftops and bloody plastic hands reach out from gravestomes (墓碑)...Are you ready for the scariest night of the year?October 31 is Halloween (万圣节 英语翻译Following fires,small amounts of so-called ‘black carbon’ are produced,which constitute a nearly inert carbon fraction with turnover times that may span millennia.这里fraction with turnover times怎么翻? 爱护的反义词是什么 爱护的反义词 希望的反义词是什么 有关first的英语作文可以是learned to ride a bicyclestarted learning Englishstarted playing a sportfirst went to a moviefirst had a partyand so onThanks! Another day has gone 什么意思 My friend Jack likes ball games football.填个介词 My friend likes playing football 翻译 Jack ,as well as his friends,who ___fond of football games,_____traveled with this team.Jack ,who ___fond of football games,_____traveled with this team.a is thatb are havec are hasd is have其中as well as his friends是插入语,删去了,who are , 川教版初二英语单句改错1.Let me to ask her to speak Chinese2.You'd better not to be late for class word came ___his poem won the first prize I want to make a friend ,one who can help me 其 中one 有什么用呀 play-off game什么意思 Can you play the game May i play the game? We didn't watch TV.We played football instead.We played football _____ _____ _____ TV. misa campo写真谁有她的写真集,麻烦告诉下