
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:58:41
advise后加to do形式还是doing 翻译 这就是我那时候的样子 英语翻译 go to等于什么短语 go to等于什么词组?例题:We will go to Yunnan tomorrow.(保持句意基本不变)We will___ ___Yunnan tomorrow. 英语四级怎么复习好?上次考四级没过,这学期又要考了,感觉压力挺大,请问有什么比较好的复习方法,背单词今天看这明天看那,而且背了很快就忘,感觉没有多大提高,求高手给我指点一下,有什 英语四级应该怎么复习 英语翻译Royal Jelly is the sole diet of the Queen Bee.Each capsule contains:Royal Jelly 183.6mg,Equiv.10-Hydroxy-2-decenoic Acid 11mgLABORATORY TESTED FOR POTENCY AND PURITY.WARNING:This product contains Royal Jelly which has been reproted to cas royal corporate,royal jelly, royal skinmaster翻译中文的意思 royal jelly Condition Of My Heart的原唱到底是谁?MS很多人多唱过...想搞清楚... Let me have a look.Oh,it‘s six fifteen._____ to go to school.We must go.怎么填 Take it easy!there are 30 minutes_(leave)为什么用left呢 SHANDONG A&A INTERNATIONAT CO., 这个空填什么词啊His father is a c__________________________ in a restaurant. 横向 成语,形容看问题敏锐,能辩明是非纵向 指用情不专的女子花( )( )( )明女花( )女的中间字是成语的首字,成语结尾必须是明 The blue night is over my face,on the dark side of the world in space,i'm all alone with the stars~英文翻译 就翻译,Mourinho was guarded about his side to face Sevilla in the Santiago 英语翻译The little man,his face now shiny with the sweat of drink and emotion,drew up a chair in front of her. 根据首字母填单词两个1:Limei gets up at 6:00 every morning ,and she is a_____the first one to get to school2:Come in,danny.Don't stay o_____for so long 怎么才能让她把我忘了拜托各位大神 ___ergro___前三个空和后三个空是一样的字母 请填出一个单词 EXCEL里,X上面一条横线怎么打?EXCEL里,x上面一条横线怎么打?我想用插入符号,但是找不到.好像是平均数的意思!我很着急啊,帮帮我啊! X上面有一道横线,怎么打出来?谁帮我打出来,我复制一下, Whatever you do,don't stop halfway 意思halfway是什么意思?还有整句话的意思, 初中数学(几何)竞赛题如图,矩形ABCD中,E、F,G、H分别为CD、BC的三等分点,AE、DG交于点K,DH、AF交于点N.连结KN.求证:KN‖CD正确详细解出者得50分!错了..是KN‖BC △ABC是⊙O的内接三角形,连接AO并延长分别交BC、弧BC于D、E,当AE=20,OD=6时,则tanBtanC的值为_____ 在三角形ABC中,∠BAC是直角,F是AC的中点,D是BC上的一点,AD垂直BF于E点,求∠AFB=∠CFD 谁能帮我填个单词的空(急)He often watches sports games()TV 空上填单词 a:helllo b:( )up? a :i'm writing the "what's cool?''article ( )the school magazine , and i want to ( )you some questions,ok? b: ( ) a: well,( )atthe watch. what do you ( )of it b:i like the watch a: and( )( ) the scarf/ b:oh,i'd 朽的同音字xiǔ