
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:20:59
续写《凡卡》怎么写 请把下面的直接引语变为间接引语 和把简介引语变为直接引语 简介引语变为直接引语1 I told him that I had lost my money and that I would find it.2 She asked whether I would be free the next day or not.3 I asked her wher 凡卡的续写怎么写凡卡的续写怎么写? 的续写怎样写呢?、 《凡卡》续写怎么写啊 ! 写了 如何写续写凡卡 《假如我是校长》的作文 将下列句子改为直接引语1.he said he was doing his homework 2.he said he slept late every might3.the teacher asked her of it was easy to play the piano4.he asked me how my father was5.she asked me not to play CDs too loud30分钟内给分 把下列句子改为直接引语!4 The eacher told the students that ther were going to have a meeting at three o'clock.5 "When shall we go outing this autumn?"the students asked.6 She said that she would try to finish reading the book bythe end of 跳动的近义词,小心翼翼的近义词,意识的近义词.快一点啦,这是要交的作业 迸出的近义词 迸出的近义词是什么?一定要准确啊!记住!急用! 这是什么狗杂交的! 谁能详细解释一下!这个机械名词,先谢了 珩的读音有谁帮忙说下这个字的读音 迸跳,姿影,雀跃,疏朗的近义词 年氏什么时候嫁给胤禛如题啦 explicit 的反义词是啥?非常对应的那个. 将句子的有直接引语改为简介引语"Would Beijing encourage Chinese consumers to spend more U.S goods?" said the American to the Chinese officials.The American______ the Chinese officials _______ Beijing_______ _______ Chinese consumers to 用立即,跳出来写一句话 珩读什么 珩 读什么呀 珩怎么拼 急 .英语直接引语改为间接引语一般的会.但是这几句好像有点困难.大家帮下忙.谢谢1. He said ,“ Mother , the house is on fire .”2. He asked ,“ Are you a Party member or a League member ?”3. “ What has happened ? 人有天大 天没人大 打一字 是什么? “天津大学”是谁题的字? 形容人大爱无疆的词还有哪些 若b<0,则a+b,a,a-b的大小关系是什么?各位好心帮个忙吧~先去吃饭各位,回来再选满意答案哈,先帮着忙哦~谢啦各位~ 抗的组词 抗组词有哪些 抗怎么组词 请问我报了明天的gre想转到下个月,现在还能转吗rt