几题单选,和几个句子,麻烦,说下意思,分析下句子结构谢谢!- -我看的头很痛啊.麻烦解释下.说下句子结构分析选择:1- do you know _the 2011 XIAMEN international marathon was held?-on January 2a .when it was that b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 16:29:40

几题单选,和几个句子,麻烦,说下意思,分析下句子结构谢谢!- -我看的头很痛啊.麻烦解释下.说下句子结构分析选择:1- do you know _the 2011 XIAMEN international marathon was held?-on January 2a .when it was that b
- -我看的头很痛啊.麻烦解释下.说
选择:1- do you know _the 2011
XIAMEN international marathon was
-on January 2
a .when it was that
b .when was it that
c.what it was that
d what was it that
2children should be instructed to
put things-- they belong in
theirearly childhood.
a where b.in which c.to which d
3chatherine intended to make fun
of others,only--
b,being fooled
c to be fooled
d to fool
1 while it is normal for you to
want only the best for
yourselves,that is the source of
your problems and stress
2 Harvey Weingarten said:"In its
efforts to help disadvantaged
student could earn as much as
$700 for achieving 100 percent in
a course
3 the authors of the study
suggest that ineffective study
habits may be a barrier to
academic chievement and that the
real problem may be more a lack
of academic preparation than a
lack of effort or motivation
4 yet with a little imagination
it'spossible even for baby
boomers(生育高峰期) to understan
what it's like to be in the
middle of the odyssey(这个单词貌
似查不到.我也不知道是什么.- -意
会就是30几岁的) years

几题单选,和几个句子,麻烦,说下意思,分析下句子结构谢谢!- -我看的头很痛啊.麻烦解释下.说下句子结构分析选择:1- do you know _the 2011 XIAMEN international marathon was held?-on January 2a .when it was that b
2.定于从句,问的是地点,所以是where.in which也是where的意思,但在这里belong后面不可以加in,所以不选
2.Harvey Weingarten说,帮助穷学生可以获得$700和这门课的满分.

我也就才初中,不过我相信自己的能力啦。Let me try.
1- do you know_________the 2011 XIAMEN international marathon was held?你知道厦门国际__举行吗?
-on January 2 -一月2日。
a . when it was that
b . when was it that


我也就才初中,不过我相信自己的能力啦。Let me try.
1- do you know_________the 2011 XIAMEN international marathon was held?你知道厦门国际__举行吗?
-on January 2 -一月2日。
a . when it was that
b . when was it that
c. what it was that
d what was it that
it这里指的就是厦门的那个什么international marathon ,放在was前代替了international marathon 那么长的,所以后面还要加个that,说明it指的是international marathon 。


1.do you know 后面宾语从句用陈述句语序,问时间当然用when了~
3.only to do表示出乎意料的结果(结果是反被愚弄,被动,用to be fooled)
2.Harvey Weingarten说,努力帮助那些贫困学生在某项课程中拿满分,就可以赚700美元


1.do you know 后面宾语从句用陈述句语序,问时间当然用when了~
3.only to do表示出乎意料的结果(结果是反被愚弄,被动,用to be fooled)
2.Harvey Weingarten说,努力帮助那些贫困学生在某项课程中拿满分,就可以赚700美元


1. 这是含有特殊疑问词的强调句,其结构是“特殊疑问词+is/was it that”。如:
When was the meeting held?变成强调句式就是:When was it that the meeting was held?
Why does he go to school?变成强调句式就是: Why is it that he goes to school?


1. 这是含有特殊疑问词的强调句,其结构是“特殊疑问词+is/was it that”。如:
When was the meeting held?变成强调句式就是:When was it that the meeting was held?
Why does he go to school?变成强调句式就是: Why is it that he goes to school?
如果这两个强调句式前面各加上Do you know,后面就要用陈述句式,即:
Do you know when it was that the meeting was held?
Do you know why it is that he goes to school?
2. 如果选B、C,则定语从句没有其修饰的先行词。
因为belong 与to搭配,所以A项where相当于the places to which,或the places where(where是副词,副词前面不能有介词)。
3. 这是被动意义,排除A、D。
only to do表示遇到意外情况。
1. 你们什么都想要最好的,这是正常现象。但这也是你们的问题/烦恼与压力的根源。
2 Harvey Weingarten说:“努力帮助穷学生赚到700美元,某一科目就可以得满分了。”
3 这项研究的作者说,低效率的学习习惯是学术研究的一个障碍。真正的问题在于:这不是因为缺乏努力和学术研究的动机,而是缺乏学术研究的必要准备。
4 婴儿潮时代出生的人稍加想像,就有可能理解奥德赛中期的社会情景。
注:odyssey n. 1.(O-)奥德赛 2.长途飘泊 3.漫长探索过程
baby boomers:在二战之后的1946至1964年间,美国共有7590万名婴儿出生,创造了史上著名的“婴儿潮”。baby boomers指“婴儿潮”时代出生的人。


几题单选,和几个句子,麻烦,说下意思,分析下句子结构谢谢!- -我看的头很痛啊.麻烦解释下.说下句子结构分析选择:1- do you know _the 2011 XIAMEN international marathon was held?-on January 2a .when it was that b 请问contrast的几个固定搭配的用法我在词汇书上看到contrast的三个词组 但是我看不懂它们的区别 分别是contrast...with;contrast with和in contrast with/to 麻烦知道的具体说下 和worthy 用在相同意思的情况下的用法.举几个好句子, to and from用法麻烦说下to and from的意思和用法.初学英语,最好给几个简单的例句,......不是分开的,是个短语,有人翻译成来来往往。我想知道用法 释怀和释然的意思拜托各位了 3Q麻烦知道的说下`释怀和释然2个词的意思 另外麻烦附加上造句`~ 麻烦帮帮忙,帮我翻译下一语文的句子的意思,谢谢了!有几个句子.《论语》十则:1.子曰:“学而实习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”(《学而》)2.曾子曰 neither-either请问下 neither 和 either 在用法 和 意思上的区别 麻烦说简单些 shit 麻烦说下. 麻烦说下理由 不是英语,好像是法语,应该有多种意思,麻烦知道几个说几个, 麻烦说几个农业谚语 古代中国分几个国家麻烦你们说详细点,说两说句的你看看就行 education is an inportant part of our development?是什麽意思?麻烦把句子结构说一下.和一些单词的意思. 非洲和中国的关系麻烦说下答案 九年级寒假作业,麻烦下谢谢~好评 语文,解释古今.和解释意思.麻烦下 谁知道这几个玩具的名字? 知道的麻烦依次说下! 2009年1月19日到2月10日的希望英语重点单词和句子`有人知道吗?`知道就麻烦说下`谢谢啦! 哪些字的意思能解释为早晨?麻烦大家多说几个