2017年雅思阅读:IELTS Paragraph Headings

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/23 13:20:25 雅思考试(IELTS)
2017年雅思阅读:IELTS Paragraph Headings雅思考试(IELTS)
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  •   IELTS Paragraph Headings
      1. A climate of fear
      2. Fan violence returns
      3. FIFA's response
      4. Cancelling the cup
      5. Legal action is taken
      6. Not just the fans
      7. Italy has a serious problem
      8. Not to blame
      9. Violence back in the news
      10. A widespread problem
      Paragraph 2 - viii / iv
      Paragraph 2 - viii / iv >>> Paragraph 2 - viii / iv
      Soccer Violence
      1. Fiorentina's exclusion from the UEFA Cup after a match official was injured by a firecracker thrown during their second-round match with Grasshopper Zurich in Salerno brought hooliganism back in the media.
      2. The Florence club are appealing against the decision, arguing that the object was thrown by rival Salernitana fans and the ban would set a dangerous precedent. But UEFA will have borne in mind that Fiorentina were playing so far away from home only because they had been banned from their own ground for crowd trouble in Europe last season.
      3. Whether Fiorentina have been hard done by or not, fan violence is a problem in the Italian game. Fighting before Sunday's 1-1 draw between Bologna and Roma left eight people in hospital, two with stab wounds. After the game a Roma supporters' bus was stoned and set on fire.
      4. But Italy is not the only country suffering from what used to be called "the English disease". At the weekend police in Bucharest fired tear-gas and made 20 arrests after a pitch invasion at the Steaua-Dinamo derby, reflecting a marked growth in hooliganism in Romania. The Greek first division match between PAOK Thessaloniki and Olympiakos Piraeus last week was abandoned after one of the linesmen was left concussed by home fans furious at a disallowed goal, a decision which brought 10,000 people on to the streets of Salonika in protest. In neighbouring Albania, Skenderbeu Korce were fined and docked three points last month after a brawl involving players, fans and the referee.
      5. Hooliganism is taking its toll on the South American game too. An Argentinian judge suspended all second division matches this month in an effort to combat rising violence. The same judge halted the first division for two weeks in May for the same reason.
      6. Football violence has claimed 37 lives in Argentina in the Nineties and leading clubs routinely have to dole out free tickets and cash to their gangsterish fans, known as barras bravas, whose activities include extortion. This is leading to a frightening atmosphere. A recent survey in Brazil found that 61 per cent of fans said they stayed away from matches because they were too scared to attend..
      7. FIFA is considering the postponement of the Confederations Cup, scheduled for January, which may persuade the world champions France to take part, a FIFA spokesman said yesterday.
      List of Headings
      i. A climate of fear
      ii. Fan violence returns
      iii. FIFA's response
      iv. Cancelling the cup
      v. Legal action is taken
      vi. Not just the fans
      vii. Italy has a serious problem
      viii. Not to blame
      ix. Violence in the news again
      x. A widespread problem
      IELTS Paragraph Headings - Answers Discussion
      1:第一道题你可能会选择 ii 但是这是不对的, 因为我们并不能从文中得到确认足球暴力之前是不存在的(足球暴力可能一直都有只不过之前没有人谈论而已)这道题只能选择ix,因为足球暴力只是重新回到了公众的视野里,i.e. in 'the news' / 'the media' again
      2:这道题一定选择 viii。因为Fiorentina已经声明了这并不是他们的错i.e. they are not to blame.
      3:这段话始终都在形容这一情况在意大利是多么严重,所以就是vii 。
      5:这道题也许会让你想选 x , 因为这一段却是介绍了其他国家的同样状况。但是相比起来其他的段落更适合,而这段的内容x 并不能完全概括,因为这一段还谈论了关于这些行为判断的内容。所以答案就是 v.
      6:这一段主要讲的是面对足球暴力人们的恐惧心理,所以答案就是 i.
      7:第七段讲的是FIFA 将在之后采取什么措施,换句话说就是FIFA的反应,此外这一段确实讲了延迟世界杯,但并没有说是取消。雅思考试(IELTS)