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小学英语童话故事:The Loomploy[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 19:06:38 童话故事
小学英语童话故事:The Loomploy[1]童话故事
The Loomploy
The loomploy population was divided into the able and the unable.
The able could care for themselves in the darkness of the land. The cold did not freeze them for they were able to work hard and make warm coats.

The unable were sad creatures who could not help themselves. They depended upon the able to make coats for them to keep warm. This worked out fine for the able were eager to please God who had commanded:


It was said that heaven was a beautifully warm place filled with light. There, everything was perfect. In order to find a very tip top place in heaven one had only to make loads and loads of coats to keep the unables warm! Every able had his own visions of his wonderful place in heaven... just reward for his many coats. Except Tibley.

Tibley didn't like to make coats. He just couldn't help himself. Everyone thought secretly that maybe Tibley really was an unable but they didn't say so out loud. Once Tibley told the head loomploy about his problem, but it didn't help much. Tibley had said, "I just don't feel like making coats". The head loomploy had looked at him sternly. "You don't have to feel anything! Sometimes I feel like making coats and sometimes I don't! If I just did things when I felt like it... nothing would get done! No coats would be made and no one would get into heaven!"

Tibley sighed. "Oh well", he thought, but he knew that no matter how hard he tried he couldn't make himself do something if he didn't feel like it.

So often he would console himself and go sit amongst the unables. Of course the able loomploys thought this just punishment. One of the unables would cuddle near him. Although it could not speak, it would gently touch him now and then. Time went by and Tibley looked forward to being with the unables and his special little friend. Then one day Tibley noticed his little friend was extra quiet and no longer reached to touch him. His童话故事