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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 13:39:14 医药学论文
【免费论文网 - 医药学论文】
关键字:白血病 检测 直方图 荧光 细胞 临床 诊断 耐药 方法 强度


Significance of fluorescent histogram of daunorubicin(DNR) in

  diagnosis of drug resistance to leukemic cells

  【Abstract】Objective:To develop a fluorescent histogram of intracellular daunorubicin(DNR) as a diagnostic method for drug resistance in acute myeloid leukemia(AML).Methods:15 patients with clinically diagnosed drug resistant AML and 5 patients with previously untreated AML were studied. The intensity of fluorescence of intracellular DNR and the fluorescent histogram were determined by flow cytometer(FCM).According to a degree of the intensity, both drug-resistan t and-sensitive zones were marked off. Left shift of main peak(LSMP) with the fluoresent histogram may be diagnosed as drug resistance, and right shift of main peak(RSMP) as drug sensitivity. R/S stood for drug resistant index(DRI);R for the number of drug resistant cells, and S for drug-sensitive cells. DRI≥ 2 was drug-resistant or DRI <2 was drug-sensitive. Fluorescent index(FI) was the product of mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) multiplied by DRI. FI≥ 200 meant drug-resistant, while FI< 200 meant drug-sensitive.Results:Among 5 patients with previously untreated AML, 4 patients were diagnosed as drug-sensitive for RSMP, DRI="0.23~" 1.13,FI="50~" 160,and one patient was diagnosed as primary drug-resistant for LSMP,DRI="3.60," FI="367." In 15 patients wi医药学论文