take the bull by the horns,请把这些短语翻译过来,1.horse around ,2.feel like a million dollars,3.play it by ear ,4.make ends meet ,5.string someone along ,6.bite the dust

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 11:09:17

take the bull by the horns,请把这些短语翻译过来,1.horse around ,2.feel like a million dollars,3.play it by ear ,4.make ends meet ,5.string someone along ,6.bite the dust
take the bull by the horns,
请把这些短语翻译过来,1.horse around ,2.feel like a million dollars,
3.play it by ear ,4.make ends meet ,5.string someone along ,6.bite the dust

take the bull by the horns,请把这些短语翻译过来,1.horse around ,2.feel like a million dollars,3.play it by ear ,4.make ends meet ,5.string someone along ,6.bite the dust
take the bull by the horns不畏艰险(抓住牛角把牛制服,引申为不畏艰险),或者明知山有虎,偏向虎山行e.g.You can't just sit back in a situation like this.You've got to take the bull by the horns.
horse aroundhorse around 闲逛,鬼混 e.g.The boy will not stop horse around,so their mom have to shout at them.男孩们胡闹个不停,他们的妈妈不得不对他们大吼.
feel like a million dollars 健康和精神处于极好的状态(就像买彩票中了100万美元) e.g.Terrific!I feel like a million dollars.
play it by ear (没有预定计划)随机应变 e.g.In dealing with that unpredictable man,you simply can't follow a prearranged plan.You have to play it by ear.和那个捉摸不定的人打交道,你简直无法按预定计划行事,只好随行应变.
make ends meet 量入为出,使 ...收支相抵,靠微薄收入为生 e.g.Have a regular job and still have to struggle to make end meet.
Being out of work and having two young children,they found it impossible to make ends meet.他们失了业,还要养活两个小孩,无法维持起码的生活.
string sb.along意思就是欺哄人,给人上圈套.e.g.The salesman assured me that the used car I was buying was in perfect condition.But,on the way home,the car broke down.That man was stringing me along.他说:那个推销员向我担保我即将买的车一切完好,但是在我开回家的路上车就抛锚了,原来那人在让我上了圈套.
bite the dust 倒下死去(一败涂地,受辱) e.g.The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort.骑兵指挥官预言,如果苏人要进攻要塞,他们中很多人会被打死.