英语定语从句详解,小弟主要是不清楚那些that where 的用法,各种引导词那些的.如题,我的定语从句各种不好,基础性的也不太懂,看到好的我会继续追加的!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 02:05:16

英语定语从句详解,小弟主要是不清楚那些that where 的用法,各种引导词那些的.如题,我的定语从句各种不好,基础性的也不太懂,看到好的我会继续追加的!
英语定语从句详解,小弟主要是不清楚那些that where 的用法,各种引导词那些的.

英语定语从句详解,小弟主要是不清楚那些that where 的用法,各种引导词那些的.如题,我的定语从句各种不好,基础性的也不太懂,看到好的我会继续追加的!
Courage is believing in yourself at the worst moment,and that ’s something nobody can teach you.勇气就是在最艰难的时刻相信你自己,无人可教你.(先用心背熟这句如此鼓舞人心的话,因为曾经熟读过背诵过的句子,热烈过珍爱过的日子,都可能会在你最艰难的时期,从你的脑海深处不断地响起从而为你增添一份又一份的勇气,助你度过难关.然后顺便记住that的一个基本用法,就是可以替代前句中的主语,如果后面读and courage is,会显得呆板,有种身体受制思维被束缚的感觉,用and that's,就能让句式“越过高山,越过平原”变得灵活起来,更能赋句子以生动鲜活之灵,使意境深远,从而能很好地解决这一问题)
That 的第一个用法之所以讲这么长这么细的原因,
我认为学习that where 的用法也是不能一蹴而就,需要日积月累,没有曾经多少次的“精读一句”,能有后来神气惬意的“博览群书”吗?
It never hurts to be polite.It doesn't cost anything to be nice!

where专指地点 e.g.I come from China where is very beautiful.

1. 作主语的关系词: who (先行词是人) , that / which ( 先行词是物) as (先行词前有such ,so, the same 修饰,或先行词为整个句子内容)
2. 作宾语的关系词:whom, that/ which , as


1. 作主语的关系词: who (先行词是人) , that / which ( 先行词是物) as (先行词前有such ,so, the same 修饰,或先行词为整个句子内容)
2. 作宾语的关系词:whom, that/ which , as
3. 作定语的关系词: whose
4. 作状语的关系词: where (地点状语),when (时间状语), why(原因状语)
eg , Do you know the boy ( who sent me to the hospital yesterday )?
Do you remember the boy ( whom we met . in the street yesterday)?
Do you remember the boy( whose leg was broken in the match )?
请看以上三个句子的都修饰先行词boy , 但关系词为何使用不同呢,主要是boy 分别在以上三个句中的成分不同,在第一句中( the boy )sent me to the hospital yesterday ,很明显the boy 是主语表人,用关系词 who 替代就可以了; 第二句 we met (the boy ) . in the street yesterday ,the boy 在从句中充当 met 的宾语,所以用whom 替代,第三句,(the boy 's) leg was broken in the match ,the boy "s 在从句中充当定语,因此用whose 替代。
Do you remember the school ( that/which we visited last week )?
    Do you remember the school (where/in which we studied four years ago )?
Do you remember the school ( whose playground is very large )?
再看这一组例句,定语从句都修饰先行词the school , 但它在从句中充当的成分还是不同,第一句 we visited ( the school) last week  , the school 在从句中充当visit的宾语,所以用that/which 替代; 第二句 we studied( in the school ) four years ago , in the school 在从句中作地点状语 ,所以用where 替代, 或用 in which 也行; 第三句 ( the school 's )playground is very large , the school's 作定语, 用whose 替代。

I will never forget the day (that / which we spent together in Dali ).
I will never forget the day ( when I met you for the first time )

以上这组例句判断方法是一样的 ,看先行词在从句中充当什么成分,从而选择不同的关系词。
第一句 we spent ( the day ) together in Dali , the day 作 spent 的宾语 所以 用that / which 替代。第二句,I met you for the first time (on that day ) , on that day 在句中作时间状语, 所以用 when替代。
Can you tell me the reason why you were late for school. ( 先行词是reason 时关系词用why , why 在从句中作原因状语)
As we all know , he is a teacher . ( 先行词是整个句子he is a teacher 内容, as 作we all know 的宾语)



that做主语或宾语,从句缺成分,where 做状语,从句不缺成分

that 和where是吧
I like the pen that is on the table
我喜欢在桌子上的那支笔 为什么用that我们等下说
You home is at that place where I visit last time
I like the p...


that 和where是吧
I like the pen that is on the table
我喜欢在桌子上的那支笔 为什么用that我们等下说
You home is at that place where I visit last time
I like the pen that is on the table 用that 的时候 that 相当于其中的主语或宾语
这句就可以改成 I like the pen 是吧 (the pen) is on the table
He is the man that I saw yesterday 这句就是that 相当于宾语了
He is the man I saw (the man) yesterday
所以 在当定语从句缺少主语或宾语就用that 如果没有括号里的内容 句子就不完整吧
You home is at that place where I played basketball last time
这句话的定语从句 还原 就是
You home is at that place I played basketball (in that place) last time
看出来了什么 如果没有括号里的内容 第二个句子也成立吧
对!! 所以 where其实 在从句中是作状语的
以后 你做题的时候可以像我一样先分解 在想
缺 主语或宾语 用that 缺地点状语 用where

打了好多啊 LZ采纳
