这空填啥?题目翻译过来是“你还需要什么东西吗?”回答 “No,_____else."这该填 "anything " 还是"nothing"?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 04:50:30

这空填啥?题目翻译过来是“你还需要什么东西吗?”回答 “No,_____else."这该填 "anything " 还是"nothing"?
回答 “No,_____else."
这该填 "anything " 还是"nothing"?

这空填啥?题目翻译过来是“你还需要什么东西吗?”回答 “No,_____else."这该填 "anything " 还是"nothing"?
anything else

-Anything else?你还需要什么东西吗?”
-No,nothing else 什么也不需要了



nothing else.

nothing else

nothing. 不,没有别的了(不需要别的了,根据上下文不同以而定。)
如果用anything的话应该是问句:Anything else? 还有别的吗?而这句话的意思显然不是这样,所以用nothing





不定代词something, anything 及nothing特殊用法归纳
一. something
1. something 不简单的事,可观的成绩,有些地位的人
At least we didn’t lose any money. That’s so...


不定代词something, anything 及nothing特殊用法归纳
一. something
1. something 不简单的事,可观的成绩,有些地位的人
At least we didn’t lose any money. That’s something.
It’s something to have got $500 from them.
2. 用于词组:
have something on 拿着某人的把柄
make something of
1) 小题大做,瞎猜测
When girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it.
2) 藉…吵架/生气
Ann didn’t like what Mary said about her. She tried to make something of what Mary said.
3) 看懂意思
I apologize for the untidiness of my letter , but I hope you can make something of it .
make something of oneself/ one’s life 取得成功, 有出息
see something of someone 有时见到某人
I hope we’ll see something of you now that you live nearby.
something for nothing 不冒风险(不下功夫)就有收获
Some people will never learn that you can’t get something for nothing.
something like
1) 大约,约摸
It cost something like ten pounds.
2) 有点像
The building looked something like a church.
something like that/ this 大致如此
I see them once every two months, or something like that.
I’ll whistle the tune for you; it goes something like this.
something of 有点…,可说是一个,在某种程度上是
He’s something of a liar, don’t you think?
The soldier found himself something of a hero when he returned to his village.
something tells me 我想/感到,我有理由相信
Something tells me my watch isn’t quite right.
Something tells me she’s lying.
something to/ in (话里)有些道理
There is something to / in what you say: I’ll take your advice.
have/ be something to do with 和…有关/联系
I think Guy Fawkes is/ has something to do with a plan to blow up Parliament.
二、 anything
be anything but 根本不是,一点也不
I don’t mean he’s lazy---anything but!
He was anything but a hero/ polite.他根本不是英雄/ 他一点也礼貌。
be (as)…as anything [口语]…不得了
It’s (as) easy as anything.
if anything 如果有什么不同的话
If anything, my new job is harder than my old one.
like anything 拼命地
The thief ran like anything when he saw the policeman.
or anything 或是其他别的事
If Bernard wants to call me or anything, I’ll be here all day.
be nothing to
1) 不引起…的兴趣,对…无所谓 相当于mean nothing to
The news is/ means nothing to him. 他对这消息不感兴趣/无所谓。
My losses are nothing to yours.
come to nothing 失败,没有结果
All his schemes came to nothing.
for nothing
1) 免费,不花代价,没花钱
They will repair the building for the old man for nothing.
I got this bicycle for nothing: a friend gave it to me.
2) 白白地,白费
We have taken all this trouble for nothing.
3) 无缘无故地
They quarreled for nothing.
go for nothing 白费,
All our work has gone for nothing.
What the teacher said went for nothing because the pupils did not pay attention.
have nothing on 不比…强
Even though she is older, Jane has nothing on Peter in school.
have nothing to do 和…没关系
This has nothing to do with you.
make nothing of
1) 不在意,觉得…没什么
He makes /thinks nothing of walking 15 miles.
2) 一点不懂
I could make nothing of what he said.
mean nothing to
1) 对…没有意义
These technical words mean nothing to me.
2) 不引起兴趣,对…无所谓 相当于be nothing to
He used to like Jane but she means/ is nothing to him now.
nothing but 只有,只不过
Don’t have him for a friend: he’s nothing but a criminal.
nothing doing 不行
“Will you lend me 10 dollars?” “Nothing doing”
nothing for it 没有别的办法
with the bridge destroyed, there was nothing for it but to swim.
nothing if not 非常,极其
The young doctor is nothing if not wise.
nothing like
1) 没有什么能赶得上
There’s nothing like a holiday to make one feel rested.
2) 绝不会,没有(那么多,那么好)
His new book is nothing like as good as his earlier books.
nothing much 不多,没什么
“Anything interesting happening?” “No, nothing much.”
nothing of the kind 哪里,没有的事,不行
“I’m sorry to cause you trouble.” “My dear friend, it’s nothing of the kind.”
“I’m going out.” “You’ll do nothing of the kind! You must stay at home.”
nothing succeeds like success 一事成功什么都顺利
The girls all like Bob because he is football captain. Nothing succeeds like success.
nothing to do with 和…没关系.
That idea has/ is nothing to do with me.
think nothing of 觉得…不怎么样,不在乎,觉得没什么
He thought nothing of the poem.
Think nothing of it. 不用谢,没关系
“You didn’t mind my using your typewriter?” “Of course not! Think nothing of it!”
to say nothing of 还不说,除了
It is a well-paid job, to say nothing of the short hours.
He had his wife and seven children with him in the car, to say nothing of two dogs, a cat and a parrot


这空填啥?题目翻译过来是“你还需要什么东西吗?”回答 “No,_____else.这该填 anything 还是nothing? 一不小心爱上你翻译过来是啥子 英语翻译你好像还有事要办,就把翻译过来的音,用普通话译过来的那种. 你还需要什么?用英语怎么说 数字5202099用翻译中文是过来什么意思? Jacqueline Hollibone 这名字翻译过来是 杰奎琳.什么? 你还过来吗的英语怎么说 parameter翻译过来什么意思 sak翻译过来什么意思? 这泰文翻译过来什么意思 看过来,我需要你的答案 粤语你过来定我过去翻译过来是什么意思 信美起个什么英文名字好外贸公司需要英文名字 全称是 信美机械贸易有限责任公司 最好全翻译过来 格式什么的都要对的 制作一个高浓度臭氧发生器需要什么相关知识,什么原理,还需要什么零件,知道的麻烦说一下,毕业设计的题目是这个 special man翻译过来都有什么意思?special man 翻译过来,到底有几层意思? 还请高手指点啊. 我怕闹误会 闹笑话了,谢谢了 what is your car make?水平低 不懂别乱说谢谢按照样子来说的话what is your name?翻译过来是 你叫什么名字what is your car make?如果套用的话 除了what make is your car?之外 还可以用什么形式来说 从Manila 汇过来需要手续费,手续费是要你付的.用英语怎么说? 你的鼓励 使我超越了自我 这是首英文歌曲翻译过来的歌词 这首歌叫什么