
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 03:15:53


Smile the face of failures don't just look at the narrow side, to beoptimistic,; don't take every competition so selfish; don't put thesuccess of every examination so important; do not have to care abouta small setback, even if is again and again, we must never give up,smiling face failure.
To every failure is attributed to an attempt, do not go to the inferiority;to each success as a lucky, don't pride. So, smile the face of failure, in the face of setbacks, to meet the challenge, to the taste of loneliness,smiling face.
Smile the face of failure, do not complain about learning to give you too many twists and turns; don't complain that life gives you so much. The sea rolling waves if lost, will lose forceful; desert sand dance if lost, will lose its spectacular; if life everything is going smoothly. Only for the first two points, life will lose its charm.