except,besides,apart from的区别知道他们的基本的区别,但下面一道题何解,请详解 --Can you tell us something about your partner?--Sorry.I know nothing about him ____ his name.He tends to stay alone and hardly talks to anyone.A.exce

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 00:08:42

except,besides,apart from的区别知道他们的基本的区别,但下面一道题何解,请详解 --Can you tell us something about your partner?--Sorry.I know nothing about him ____ his name.He tends to stay alone and hardly talks to anyone.A.exce
except,besides,apart from的区别
--Can you tell us something about your partner?
--Sorry.I know nothing about him ____ his name.He tends to stay alone and hardly talks to anyone.
A.except B.besides C.apart from D.except that

except,besides,apart from的区别知道他们的基本的区别,但下面一道题何解,请详解 --Can you tell us something about your partner?--Sorry.I know nothing about him ____ his name.He tends to stay alone and hardly talks to anyone.A.exce
介词besides,except,except for,but,apart from 和 in addition to 在用法上有何区别?besides 和 in addition to 同义,表示“除……之外(还)……”.但是,当与nothing,nobody或no one等否定意义的不定代词连用时,besides与except同义,表示“除…之外(其余都不)”.例如:
She knows Japanese besides English.
In addition to English,she knows Japanese.
All of them went to climb the mountain except me.
except 表示“除……外,(其余都)……”,常与“all,every,no,none,nothing”等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用.
except for:它的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事.例如:The room was very cold and,except for Jack,entirely empty.这个房间很阴冷,而且除了杰克,完全是空荡荡的.
Except:指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分.如:He gets up early everyday except Sunday.除星期天外,他每天早起.
Except that后面跟从句,语意与上同.如:He has always been in good health except that he has had a slight headache in the past few days.除了在过去几天里有些头痛之外,他身体一直很好.
But:常可与 except互换,强调“不在其中”.例如:Everyone attended the meeting but Mary.大家都出席了这次会议,但玛丽不在其列.
besides:强调“除此之外,还包括”.例如:She can speak French and Japanese besides English.除英语外,她还会讲法语和日语.
apart from;其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides.例如:Apart from the coat,the hat doesn't suit me.除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴.
except 用于同类之间.
except for 用于不同类的.
apart from 在同类或不同类都能用.

A 我除了他的名字之外,对他一无所知。

in addition.apart from .except.besides区别! apart from; except; besides 的差别RT besides和apart from和except的区别 英语同义辨析:besides,except,except for,but,apart from , in addition to,Except that apart from,except.besides,except that,except from区别如题 请回答except、except for、Apart from、except that、besides、beside的区别和用法 辨析:except,except for,besides,in addition,apart from请简明说明区别,最好带有例句, apart from,besides,except和except for有什么区别?举例说明下,tks except , except for , besides , but , apart from , aside 的区别(详细!) except,except for,besides,other than,apart from几个词的区别3Q except,besides,apart from,except for和in addition to的区别..3Q apart from except except for besides in additionapart fromexceptexcept forbesidesin addition to的区别? except ,except for ,apart from,besides四个词的区别,最好用例句来讲解! except for 和apart for 和besides和expect that有什么区别? 请讲下这几个词的区别希望能从语法到语意区分下apart from besides except for except in addtion最好能给个例句apart from,besides,except for ,except,in addtion 表示“除了”的英文单词及词组的用法级区别?besides、except、except for 、apart from等等 ( )Tom.Everyone is in the classroom a,except b.apart from c.besides d.except from apart from,except for,except, besides区别不能没区别啊,有道选择题那两个都有,选的是apart from,老师没给我讲明白