
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 04:22:06

关键词:灰色预测 静态投入产出 动态投入产出 亚运会

The Asian games is the important sports event, for the rational evaluation has the great significance, this article through to the 2010 guangzhou Asian economic influence of the assessment, and get the economy and economic structure based on the total level of three mathematics model, and the reasonable evaluation model.
A model: the basic construction investment and innovation investment two indexes, set up grey forecasting model, and evaluation of basic construction investment and Asian games upgrading the influence of investment.
The result shows: the Asian games in capital construction investment growth contribution for 221.33 billion yuan, accounting for 2005-2009, 47% of the total investment in capital construction; To retrofit the contribution of investment increment for 37 billion yuan, accounting for 2005-2009, 21% of the total retrofit.
Model 2: in a model is developed on the basis of static input-output model, analyzes the impact of the Asian games by basic construction investment and innovation investment increment in the total output value added to the forehead and cause (i.e. guangzhou GDP) of inducing the forehead.
The result shows: the Asian games through investment in capital construction and retrofit spread effect of investment, the output forehead induced is 180.576 billion yuan and the amount of guangzhou GDP induced for 53.466 billion yuan.
Model three: the Asian games is not only to the preparatory period guangzhou GDP and output great influence, but also improve the future production ability. Guangdong 42 department will incorporated into 6 departments, build dynamic input-output model, forecast that by 2010 guangdong six department output structure.
Three model results show that the Asian games to the guangzhou economic influence.

英语翻译亚运会是世界重要的体育赛事,对其合理评估具有重大意义,本文通过对2010年广州亚运会的经济影响力的评估,得到基于经济总量和经济结构层面的三个数学模型,并对模型作了合理评 澳大利亚是亚洲的吗?印象中澳大利亚是大洋洲的 为什么亚洲举办体育赛事它也来凑热闹 是不是亚运会澳大利亚也来参加吗 英语翻译近年来,体育赛事赞助作为一种新兴的营销利器,受到了越来越多企业的重视.企业对体育赛事的赞助除了受到其行业特征的影响外,还取决于企业的规模大小、企业的所有制形式等.在 这是一大盛事,也是21世界初重大体育赛事之一.(英语翻译) 奥运会为什么是世界三大体育赛事. 亚运会对中国的意义? 物理学认识世界的重要手段是实验,通过实验来验证理论的正确与否.那宗教哲学对世界的认识是从何而来的?“悟”么?如何验证其正确性? 英语翻译从媒体报道的角度而言,奥运会是属于全球性的媒介事件,使举办国家成为全世界媒体报道的中心和民众关注的焦点,其意义已经远远超出体育赛事的范畴.随着互联网的飞速发展,和传 一点点的爱对你并不重要、但你是我的世界英文翻译 英语翻译高校实验室设备是高校从事教学、科研及新产品开发的重要物质条件,也是学校综合实力的体现.随着实验设备的增多,如何对其进行有效管理成为高校实验室工作人员面临的重要课题. 奥林匹克运动会翻译翻译1奥林匹克运动会是源于希腊而延续至今的一项全人类的体育赛事 更重要的是英语翻译 英语翻译重要的是“一片”. 英语翻译重要的是老头 怎样让别人明白团结合作的重要性 急我们是反方 辩题是亚运会志愿者团队合作更重要 我国西南边境一列重要的山脉,是世界海拔最高的山脉,请写出其名称. 想一想,中国的汉字对世界有哪些重要影响 世界观是人对世界的看法感受,还有认为世界对你的感受和看法,这太重要了.这是从哪来的