
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/19 18:57:25


That is a place where every season seems like spring with pleasant scenary,which makes it agreeable for living.

It is warm in all seasons there with beautiful sceneries around. It is really a good place to stay.

It is a good place to live in here with a warm climate all year around and a pleasant scenery.

warm all the year round with bearutiful scenery, its a livable place there.

there is a suitable place for stay...which warm climate all years around and beauty scenery..

There a warm climate all year round, the pleasant scenery, is a good place to live in.

It is a suitable living place where warm climate is through all year and pleasant landscap is all around

That is a good place to live in with a warm climate all year around and a pleasant scenery.

It is warm in all seasons there, with pleasant scenery and a proper place to live.

英语翻译:那里一年四季气候温暖,风景宜人,是个适合居住的好地方. 英语翻译风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的游客纷至沓来. 英语翻译1 这个地方,冬天不冷夏天不热,一年四季气候宜人.2 这个城市是座历史名城. 高原城市哪里好? 风景优美的,气候宜人的, 南海明珠——海南岛 海南岛一年四季气候宜人,风景优美。高高的五指山挺立在海岛的中部,山上热带林木郁郁葱葱,四季常青。有山间小溪汇成的万泉河滔滔奔流,浇灌着两岸的农 地处 英语翻译1.澳大利亚是个地广人稀,气候宜人的地方2.澳大利亚风景优美,四面环水3.澳大利亚有很多世界上其他地方没有的珍稀动植物 风景怡人还是风景宜人 英语翻译:那里的风景怎么样 英语翻译广州是一座美丽的城市,有着悠久的历史和古老的文化.广州市一座休闲.很多人来广州度周末或者度假,因为这里风景优美,一年四季气候温暖,还有各式各样的美味食物,粤菜很受欢迎. 这里常年气候温暖 英语翻译 我们这个城市的气候非常宜人(用英语翻译) 请教用英语怎么说:“我的家乡风景秀美,气候宜人”谢谢 杭州因为风景很好,所以气候也特别宜人.(改病句) 岛屿,风景优美和气候宜人用英语怎么说?急用,知道的说哈, 杭州因为风景很好,所以气候也特别宜人. 修改病句不会 西藏风景优美,气候宜人,是一个理想的旅游之地用英文怎么讲? 哪里风景优美,气候宜人?有什么景点?景点最好写三个 一个人去旅游,去哪比较好啊?气候宜人,风景美丽的地方!