英语高手帮帮小弟吧!不胜感激.高分加倍写三篇作文:一定要有诚恳的心啊.尽量写经典些啊.看下面要求吧!第一题: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Work and Leisur

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 15:30:58

英语高手帮帮小弟吧!不胜感激.高分加倍写三篇作文:一定要有诚恳的心啊.尽量写经典些啊.看下面要求吧!第一题: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Work and Leisur
For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Work and Leisure in no less than 100 words. You may begin your composition with “People generally believe that a life without leisure is really terrible.” Remember to write clearly.
Write a composition of about 100 words on "How Did You Feel at the End of Your First Day as a College Student?" You may begin your composition with "I was tired after a long overnight train ride when I arrived."
Write a composition of about 100 words on "What Makes Good Friends -- Their Differences or Their Similarities?" You may begin your composition with "Friends must be able to do things together and enjoy each other''s company, so they should have something in common."

英语高手帮帮小弟吧!不胜感激.高分加倍写三篇作文:一定要有诚恳的心啊.尽量写经典些啊.看下面要求吧!第一题: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Work and Leisur
第一题:Work and Leisure
People generally believe that a life without leisure is really terrible.It is always true.Since we are busy growing up,we have so much working time along with leisure.Suppose that we are working all the time without rest,then how can we be?A macine?Obviously,that is not we want.So leisure is necessary for us.Someone search for a lifetime through hard work.But he'll never know the meaning of leisure.I like the balance of work and leisure.That gives you a lot of plesure.You will never lose everything after you balance work and leisure.So pls enjoy the music before the songs over.
第二题:The thought on being a college student
I was tired after a long overnight train ride when I arrived.Everything is new.How time flies!I’m a college student now.Everything changes but the beauty still remains.What if I tell you all the meaning to me?I can’t explain why I am dreaming of this feeling but I am still awake.The stage is more beholding to learn,than life itself.I swear that everything I do I’ll give my heart and soul,and learn what I want to learn!When I’m convinced that there is a dream for me,I will try my best to touch it .It is no use looking back or wondering .Just treasure it like this .Close my eyes again,and let the felling get me to somewhere new.My dream will surely come true.
第三题:What Makes Good Friends
Friends must be able to do things together and enjoy each other's company,so they should have something in common.But someone might say that friends can have something diffrent.If not,there is no personality exiting.I am convinced that the happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.My friends and I will make a wish,take a chance,make a change and then fly high together!So something in common and something diffrent seems to have each others' meaning and makes the world terrific.

英语高手帮帮小弟吧!不胜感激.高分加倍写三篇作文:一定要有诚恳的心啊.尽量写经典些啊.看下面要求吧!第一题: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Work and Leisur 各位高手帮帮小弟解个三角函数证明题求证:(sinA)^2+(sinB)^2-(cosA)^2(sinB)^2+(cosA)^2(cosB)^2=1请写出过程,小弟不胜感激晕~这是课本上的题目啊~怎么会错? 求∫siny/y dy.感激不尽如题,请高手赐教,小弟不胜感激 有关“凹”、“凸”的笔画问题!各位高手,小弟的字写得还不错,“凹”、“凸”这两个字就是写不好看,谁知道它们的标准笔画,希望告诉小弟,不胜感激! 求高手 帮忙 翻译英文 小弟 不胜感激...http://hi.baidu.com/woaicx12345/album/item/0c3ab3d8c6ceb62732fa1c57.html 全部分求160字左右的英文翻译小弟在写论文,但英语实在菜,在线翻译机翻的很不好,拿出所有分求高手翻译,不胜感激! 中药,是在中医理论指导下应用的药物.包括中药材,中药饮片和中成药等. 请化学大神解答下,小弟不胜感激.第八题! 求高数极限解法,思想分类细讲小弟不胜感激, 工程预算的流程?谁能指点一下,小弟不胜感激 ?前辈们能给指点一下,小弟将不胜感激! 哪位高手帮帮小弟把一段中文翻译成英文啊,不胜感激(无源器件方面的)1.接头和导电棒之间及功率负载和导电棒之间均用焊锡焊接,确保焊接良好.2.调试完成后表面进行喷漆,贴标签,加防尘 如何测量两个信号的相位差请高手指点下,如何测量两个矩形波输入信号的相位差,高分悬赏,不胜感激~ 快告诉小弟怎样在2个月内使英语有大的进步?谢谢了,给我点题做和答案以及语法知识,小弟不胜感激! 麻烦高手指导一下,题目基于fpga的脉宽测试仪,希望有详细的程序,原理图,以及最后的仿真,小弟不胜感激 英语大神来,帮帮小弟,作文写的差 禹传子 家天下出自何处望高手帮忙解答,不胜感激 帮帮小弟吧 急需一篇英语两人对话,5分钟左右,要表演的.那位仁兄仁姐帮帮忙,小弟不胜感激!