
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 03:49:15


MP4是MPEG-4的简称,能够播放MPEG-4文件的设备叫做统称为MP4.现在主要的一些厂商有法国的ARCHOS(爱可视)、台湾的筌宝、掌宝、德国的禄莱、韩国的MAXIAN(超视能)等等,有些厂商把它也定义为PVP(Personal Video Player,个人视频播放器)和PMP(Portable Media Player,便携式媒体播放器).现在对MP4播放器的功能没有具体界定,虽然不少厂商都将它定义为多媒体影音播放器,但它除了听看电影的基本功能外还支持音乐播放、浏览图片,甚至部分产品还可以上网.但为了强调便携的特征,我们在这里所讨论的MP4播放器都将以便携、播放视频为准则,它们可以通过USB或1394端口传输文件,很方便地将视频文件下载到设备中进行播放,而且应当自带LCD屏幕,以满足随时播放视频的需要.
MP4 is short for MPEG-4,MPEG-4 player can document called collectively the MP4 equipment.Now some of the major manufacturers of ARCHOS France (Archos),Taiwan's Quan Bao,fortune-German Paul Levin,Korea MAXIAN (Ultra Vision),and so on,some manufacturers It also defined as PVP (Personal Video Player,personal video player) and PMP (Portable Media Player ,portable media player).Right now MP4 player functionality does not specifically defined,although many companies are defined as its multimedia CD-player,but it can only listen to the film's basic functions,also support music,pictures,even some products can also access.However,in order to emphasize the characteristics of portable,we are here to discuss the MP4 players are to be portable,video criteria,they can via USB or 1394 transmission of documents,it is easy to be downloaded to a video broadcast equipment,and should bring an LCD screen to meet at any time broadcast caving video needs.