
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 07:54:55


On March 5th year is "learn from comrade lei feng" 42 anniversary.After 40 years,China's young,lei feng's spirit always shines,has become one of our national spirit and indispensable part of ZhengDangNian,lei feng's spirit.
Study thunder feng requires not only embodies in behavior,but also to study and work in the well into work,lei feng's spirit,to hale style.To integrating theory with practice,the accumulation of social experience,learn some social skills,accomplish truly study thunder feng advancing with The Times.
Every year in March,many people think that learning lei not new,Some think lei feng's spirit is outdated.Lei feng's spirit really out of date?We think lei feng's spirit is the national spirit in this era of specific performance,is a good time to perfect symbol.One for all,all for one.The selfless and selfless dedication.Lei feng's spirit is a kind of social morality,is simple and noble virtues.
Learning is the key to improve individual lei public morality and in the process of learning from the side of the minor matter,starts from the self..For more than 40 years,people have been missed and revered with a young lei feng.People from his experience with the power of moral integrity,feel "helpfulness" noble spirit,it is of enduring long lei feng's spirit with basis.This is not time lei feng spirit out the root cause of the stage.
Lei feng's spirit,because we ZhengDangNian's lei feng,we call lei feng,we need to have a new era characteristics were LeiFengShi couple.

Dear students:
May 12, 2008, the outbreak of a major earthquake Wenchuan!
Instant, shook Wenchuan, Sichuan, vibration, shock Beijing, China, vibration, shock the world!
Instant, roads b...


Dear students:
May 12, 2008, the outbreak of a major earthquake Wenchuan!
Instant, shook Wenchuan, Sichuan, vibration, shock Beijing, China, vibration, shock the world!
Instant, roads blocked and bridges collapsed, housing collapse, communications interruption, corpses everywhere, crying loudly, the earth weep with grief!
Instant, and the beautiful mountains and rivers have become an eyesore to everybody! Warm their homes were razed to the ground!
Instant, lost children to school students, feeding the baby lost his own mother, the bride's first marriage has lost her husband, Yan Cang lost sons and daughters of the elderly ... ...
Instant, emergency medicine, plasma is in an emergency, emergency food, emergency drinking water, clothing and emergency medical personnel in an emergency, and disaster emergency supplies!
The number of transient homeless people, how many people the moment with their yin and yang, the two separated, this short period of a few seconds, but also how much is full of blood and tears?
Fortunately we were born in the Communist Party under the leadership of the socialist country.
Life and death in this time, Premier Wen Jiabao arrived. The ruins of collapsed, leaving the Prime Minister's footsteps firm; was buried in the injured to hear words of concern to the Prime Minister.
In that moment of life and death, emergency units arrived. The storm hit the helicopter was back, went airborne! Infantry Division was cut off the road, they walk in the storm before the trip! Ground traffic is disrupted, the Air Force transport planes, will be thousands of tons of air dropping supplies to disaster stricken areas.
In that moment of life and death, the medical team arrived in Beijing and Guangzhou to the medical team, the Navy's medical team has come, the People's Armed Police to a medical team. Rescue team, volunteers come from all directions!
Life and death in this moment, snowflakes, flying around the contributions, the small and large businesses, film and television stars, ordinary people have the Royal, the rich to donate money, money and materials are objects, the ocean on the other side, the Chinese and overseas Chinese contributions to line up a long queue ... ...
In that moment of life and death, your heart tremble, my heart tremor and tremor of the hearts of Chinese people!
After the Wenchuan earthquake, the whole of China are crying, the entire nation in tears fly. This surging tears for the unfortunate fellow from the disaster for the nation from moving from the more numerous!
Human nature is always connected, in the face of disaster, we suddenly found that the bottom of my heart that each of us have so deep a love sincere, we had to live in a world full of warm goodness. When 15 paratroopers jumped to the disaster area himself, when the rescue team to risk one's life to create a miracle to save lives, when the mother left the children born to hope that the darkness of death for themselves, when the mother of our police Picking up the orphan feeding areas, when the woman decided to sell the mountains of Guizhou four sheep, the equivalent of half of her annual income of 1,000 yuan when the money donated to people in disaster areas, the love and concern, so that his hands tight 1300000000 with tight grip, so that 1.3 billion people like a family.
head disaster, ordinary people around us, the surprise hero of so many sacrificed their lives to save. Mia Zhang, Tan centuries, Gou Xiao-chao,Zhonghong Wu, a teacher in the life of the people of the last moment, the interpretation of the "engineers of human souls," the title of the noble and sacred. Proof of their feat, after the ancestors of our nation has a better character, not in people's blood must flow, just take care of Health noble sentiment, deeply integrated into people's soul.
Intertwined in this life and death, people were weeping God moment, the indomitable Chinese people, Chinese people face disaster with courage and fortitude, solidarity among the Chinese people ...... let the world finally understand why the numerous invasive alien encounter and a variety of disasters hit the country will not be brought down, can not collapse.
We moved for their own nation, for he is proud of the Chinese people. Because, in this world, in addition to China, the Prime Minister no country for two hours in the disaster stricken areas on the fly; no country can build-up in just a few days more than 100,000 troops to participate in the rescue; no country can on a single evening contributions from businesses and individuals raised more than billion; there is no national blood donor support due to competing traffic congestion caused by the disaster areas ......
This is the birthright of national sentiment, which is the birthright of blood kinship, which is inherent spirit! Let us seize with the hands, heart to heart, let the spirit of this love stretch, China, will never be defeated!


