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的号召志愿支援边疆建设.李阳中学的学习状况不很理想,1985-1986年高三期间因对学习失去兴趣曾几欲退学,1986年自新疆实验中学勉强考入兰州大学工程力学系.大学一二年级李阳多次补考英语.为了彻底改变英语学习失败的窘况,李阳开始奋起一博,他摒弃了偏重语法训练和阅读训练的传统,另辟蹊径,从口语突破,并独创性将考试题变成了朗朗上口的句子,然后脱口而出.经过四个月的艰苦努力,李阳在1988年大学英语四级考试中一举获得全校第二名的优异成绩. 李阳还和同学合作,用自己的方法进行同声翻译训练,达到了在别人讲话的同时,可以在只落后一、两句的情况下立刻翻译成英语的程度.李阳更是提出了全新的、简单的翻译标准,他称之为"中国人说中国话",只要你是一个受过基础教育的中国人,你就可以成为一个出色的翻译.李阳从大学四年级开始便广泛地参与了大量的国内和国际场合的口译. 在此基础上,李阳摸索总结出一套独特的以一个非英语专业的英语学习失败者为基点的英语学习法,集"听说读写译"于一体,人称"疯狂英语",在发音、口语、听力和口译上卓有成效.疯狂英语将英语的素质教育和传统的考试完美的结合.1989年李阳首次成功地战胜了自我,公开发表演讲介绍这套方法,并开始应邀到各大、中学校传授疯狂英语.多年来,运用这套方法的大、中学生更是创造了托福、四六级和高考成绩大幅提高的惊人奇迹. 1990年李阳大学毕业被分配到西安西北电子设备研究所当了一年半助理工程师,从事军事和民用卫星地面站工作.这一年中他坚持每天清晨在单位九楼顶大喊英、法、德、日语,进一步实践和完善了"疯狂英语突破法". 1992年,李阳因出色的英语水平被调入广州筹办中国第一家省级英语电台广东人民广播电台英文台,并担任新闻播音员" TALKSHOW"(脱口秀)节目主持人,同时主持广州电视台的英语新闻节目,是广州地区最受欢迎的英语播音员. 李阳用其独创的方法练就了一口连美国人都难以分辨的地道美语,他配音的广告在香港和东南亚电视台广泛播送.同时,他也是广州著名的独立口译员、双语主持人和美国总领事馆文化处、农业处和商务处的特邀翻译,被人誉为"万能翻译机",圆满地完成了各种大型国际会议、谈判和外事访问的口译任务.例如在中美关系处于紧张状态的一九九三年底,李阳担任了美国众议院外交委员会首席顾问理查德·布什先生关于"克林顿当选总统以来美国对华政策的制订过程"重要演讲的现场口译,获得了中美双方的高度赞赏,会后收到美国外交委员会的特别感谢信. 李阳独立完成的主要口译还有大家熟悉的信息高速公路、移动通讯、知识产权保护、电脑软件保护、最惠国待遇问题、关贸总协定、国际环境保护、公司法和证券等等专题的演讲、国际研讨会和国际电视电话会议. 李阳纯正的美国英语引起不少外国记者的好奇,美国的ABC广播网、英国的BBC、香港电台(RTHK)、日本放送协会(NHK)、苏格兰国家电视一台以及加拿大国际广播电台等都曾采访过他. 1994年,李阳辞去在广东电台的工作,创办李阳·克立兹国际英语推广工作室,全身心投在中国普及英文、向世界传播中文"的事业.迄今为止已经在全国各地义务讲学一千多声次,听讲人数近千万人.他的奉献精神,赢得了民族工业的鼎力支持,在企业的赞助下,李阳向全国赠送了五百多万套学习卡,为革命老区培训师资并赠送了二十多万元的学习资料.李阳的讲学集爱国主义教育、人生激励和科学快捷的教法与学法于一体.他那发奋进取、百折不挠的传奇经历、强烈的爱国主义激情和极富感召力的卓越口才构成了他独特的人格魅力,鼓舞着千千万万的英语学习者迈上了语言和人生的成功之路,在更高层次、更深意义上掀起了中国空前的征服英语热潮. 李阳打破国际上语言课小班的惯例,数千人甚至数万人一起上课.香港和东南亚的华人慕名来广州接受他的培训.新加坡、日本、台湾和泰国的大公司、学院和培训机构纷纷邀请要李阳前往讲学.李阳的方法同样适合于外国人学习中文.他的学生已经在美国、新西兰、日本等国家开设了"疯狂英语"、"疯狂中文"培训课程.中国人走向世界传播中文和中国文化的时代已经到来! 国内外一百多家报纸、杂志,数十家电视台、广播电台都报道了李阳的事迹和方法,由于他在英语教育和人生激励方面的卓越贡献,国内外传媒和广大英语学习者称誉他为"英语播种机"和"人生激励导师".疯狂英语风靡全国. "激发爱国热情、弘扬民族精神;攻克英语、振兴中华."李阳·克立兹覆盖中国一千个城市、三亿英语学习者的大型全国巡回演讲已经拉开序幕.与此同时,致力于将疯狂英语学习法融入大中小学英语教育、为国家培养实用实战型人才的工程也开始启动. 到2008年10月,李阳已经捐助了48所希望小学.

Originally from shanxi, 1969 was born in jiangsu changzhou wujin district of bull-running town. His parents sixties after graduation from the university party response
Call of the volunteer support frontier construction. Li Yang middle school learning situation is not very ideal, 1985-1986 during high due to lose interest in learning to drop out of school, the number of 1986 since xinjiang experimental middle school was admitted reluctantly lanzhou university engineering force department. College English in junior li Yang repeatedly make-up examination. To completely change the English learning failure cases, li Yang began to rise a bo, he abandoned the emphasis on grammar training and training of reading tradition, path, from spoken breakthrough, and ingenuity will examination into a rhyming two-syllable sentence, then blurt out. After four months of hard work, li Yang, in 1988 the college English test band 4 won the school every second outstanding achievements. Yang also co-operation with the students, with their own methods for simultaneous translation training, reached in others speak at the same time, can be in only down one or two sentences circumstances immediately to translate into English level. Li Yang is put forward new and simple standards of translation, he called it "Chinese people speak Chinese", as long as you are a trained based education of Chinese, you can become an excellent translation. Li Yang from university grade four begins widely participate in a large number of domestic and international situation of interpretation. On this basis, li Yang fumble summarized a set of unique with a non-english majors in English learning losers the basis of English learning method, set to "translation" reading, writing, listening and speaking at an organic whole, aka "crazy English", in pronunciation, spoken English, listening comprehension and interpretation fruitful. Crazy English will English education and quality of the perfect combination of traditional examination. 1989 li Yang first success against the ego, public speaking is introduced the methods, and began to invited to each big, schools teach crazy English. For many years, using the method of big and middle school students' but also created the toefl, 46 levels and the university entrance exam greatly improve the amazing miracle. 1990 li Yang university graduation was assigned to xian northwest institute of electronic equipment when a year and a half assistant engineer, engaged in military and civilian satellite ground stations. This year, he insist every morning in unit nine roof yell English, French, German, Japanese, further practice and perfected the "crazy English breakthrough method". In 1992, li Yang because of excellent English skills by a gelatinous guangzhou organising the first English radio guangdong provincial people's broadcasting station platform in English, and act as the news reporter "TALKSHOW" (his talk show host, and guangzhou TV host English news programmes in guangzhou area, is the most popular English announcer. LiYangYong its original method gives one mouthful even americans nondescript sixth-floor authentic English, he dubbing advertising in HongKong and southeast Asia television broadcast widely. At the same time, he also guangzhou famous independent interpreter, bilingual host and the us consulate general 1999/6, agriculture department and invited by the translation, being called "universal translation machine", has successfully completed all kinds of international conferences, negotiation and foreign tour of interpretation task. For example in sino-us relations is in nervous condition of 1993 bottom, Yang served as the United States house foreign committee chief adviser Richard Mr Bush on "Clinton presidency since America's policy formulation process" an important speech at the site interpreter, obtained both sides highly praised, after the meeting received U.S. diplomatic committee's special acknowledgement. Li Yang completed independently main interpretation and familiar information superhighway, mobile communications, intellectual property protection, computer software protection, most-favoured-nation treatment problems, gatt, international environmental protection, the company law and securities etc special lecture, international conference and international TV conference call. Li Yang pure American English causes many foreign reporters curious, American ABC radio network, Britain, the BBC radio television Hong Kong (RTHK), NHK (Nippon hoso kyokai), Scottish national television channel and Canada international radio etc, and all who interviewed him. Conquer English and revitalize the Chinese. "Li Yang · grams made this covers the Chinese one thousand cities, 300 million English learners large national speaking tour has started. Meanwhile, committed to crazy English learning method into English education, schools and colleges as fostering practical combat talented person's project also start. To October 2008, Yang have contributed 48 hope primary schools.