
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:25:42


To a student,there are many advantages of having more social practices.
First,more social practices may offer you an opportunity to display your ability and apply what you have learned in school.Second,social practices in business can develop a sense of competition,which you need in future.It increases your confidence in yourself because through the work you can realize your own value,Besides,it helps students develop a sense of independence,and helps relieve your parents'economic burdens.With the money earned,you can buy whatever you need for your study.
However,social practices has some disadvantages.It often distracts students' attention from their studies.It is evident that you can hardly focus your attention on your study if you work several hours on the job.You may be thinking of how to improve your work most of the time.
Because of the advantages and disadvantages involved in working part time,you have to strike a balance between your study and the job.Study is your major task while practice is a minor one though work experience is desirable.
Therefore we should balance two aspects of social practices.
We should give prior to the study,while take the social practices secondary place.Only by doing so,can we get benefit from social practices,and get good scores in study.

关于社会实践的英语作文要求.正方的观点:应参加社会实践、有助于了解社会,获得经验、有助与培养能力,学以致用.反方观点:不应参加社会实践、太年轻,不能很好的适应社会、浪费时间, 求200词左右的英语作文有关社会实践的观点,速求,要求流畅,无语法错误,无拼写错误浅显易懂,150左右即可 关于穿校服的辩论会正方观点 英语作文:关于暑假参加社会实践活动的看法 关于核能利用的英语作文要求:正方支持开发核能,说出开发核能的好处.反方反对使用核能,说出使用核能的危害.最后得出自己的观点. 我关于旅行的观点英语作文 我关于旅行的观点英语作文 关于社会实践的作文怎么写? 求关于“以成败论英雄”的辩论赛论据!急!要求详细!注意是正方观点!是以成败论英雄! 关于节约用水的辩论赛资料,我要正方的观点. 请高手帮忙写一篇关于核能利用的英语作文要求:正方支持开发核能,说出开发核能的好处.反方反对使用核能,说出使用核能的危害.最后得出自己的观点.100词左右的高中作文.希望高手能写下 社会实践活动的作文 社会实践作文的写法? 一篇关于自己在假期参与社会实践的经历的英语作文字数200左右 关于社会实践的英语作文,180字左右.17号之前要交的, 善意的谎言正方观点 急需关于财富带来快乐的英语辨题内容不需很长,三五句话即可,应站在正方观点 英语作文关于正反两面观点的套句