谁能帮我发篇梁祝英文故事简介过来,其他ROMANTIC LOVE STORY 也行,英文版的,急用~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 14:55:46

谁能帮我发篇梁祝英文故事简介过来,其他ROMANTIC LOVE STORY 也行,英文版的,急用~
谁能帮我发篇梁祝英文故事简介过来,其他ROMANTIC LOVE STORY 也行,英文版的,急用~

谁能帮我发篇梁祝英文故事简介过来,其他ROMANTIC LOVE STORY 也行,英文版的,急用~
Key word:Butterfly
  Long long ago there was a landlord surnamed Zhu.He had a daughter named Zhu Yingtai who was very beautiful and smart and liked learning very much.However the girl was not permitted to go to school during that old time.So she had to stay at home and looked at the students coming and going on the street through the window everyday.She envied them very much and thought:Why the girl has to stay at home and do the embroidering?Why I can't go to school?
  Suddenly she went back to the room and told her parents with courage:"Dad,Mum,I want to go to Hangzhou to have classes.I can wear man's garments and act like a man and I will not be recognized .I promise.Please let me go,please!"The old couple didn't agree at first but had to do so later because Yingtai implored continually.
  The next morning,Yingtai and her maid all in man's suits set out to Hangzhou happily after bidding a farewell to her parents.
  At school she met a classmate named Liang Shanbo who was excellent and knowledgeable.They were like old friends just the moment they saw each other for the first sight.The two talked and discussed together a lot from then on.Later,they decided to be sworn brothers and became more intimate than before .
  Spring went autumn came.Three years had gone.It was time to say goodbye to her teacher and return home.Zhu Yingtai felt she loved Liang Shanbo very much after three year's studying together.Liang also hated to see her going home although he didn't know that she was a girl actually.They missed each other day and night after their parting .Several months' later,Liang Shanbo went to visit Zhu Yingtai and he found Yingtai a girl with surprise and rejoicing.
  Later,Liang Shanbo sent a woman matchmaker to Zhu's to get the permission of marrying with Yingtai.But the landlord had already accepted the proposal of the young master surnamed Ma,a son of a rich family.Liang Shanbo felt utterly sad and got sick severely.Soon he died.
  Yingtai who opposed her father's decision of marrying her with master Ma became strangely silent when she received the message of her brother Liang's passing away.She put the red wedding apparel on and went into the bridle sedan.When the party of escorting the bride passed by the tomb of Liang Shanbo.The wind blew hardly out of expectation.The party had to stop for the time being.Yingtai came out from the sedan and put the red wedding attire off and just was in white.She cried loudly and sadly in front of the tomb.A sudden thunder-storm came and the tomb split with loud noise amazingly.Yingtai who loved Liang deeply jumped into the tomb with smile before others could realize it.Then the tomb closed with a loud noise again.The wind ceased and the cloud scattered.Flowers were dancing in the wind.Two beautiful butterflies flying out of the tomb danced elegantly ,freely and happily in the sun.