
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 08:18:12


Jane Eyre,which came out in October 1847,and became an immediate success.Charlotte dedicated the book to William Makepeace Thackeray,who described it as 'the masterwork of a great genius'.Jane Eyre is,certainly,a "coming of age" story as the main character,Jane,travels from the innocence of childhood through the maturity of adulthood.During this journey,Jane goes through the battle of education vs.containment,where she attempts to learn about herself and about the world.She must constantly battle a containment of sorts,however,whether it is a true physical containment or a mental one.This battle of education vs.containment can be seen by following Jane through her different places of residence,including Gateshead Hall,Lowood Institution,Thornfield,Moor House and Morton,and Ferndean Manor,where she is,finally,fully educated and escapes the feeling of containment which she held throughout the novel.In Jane Eyre she used her experiences at the Evangelical school and as governess.The novel severely criticized the limited options open to educated but impoverished women,and the idea that women "ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings,to playing on the piano and embroidering bags." Jane's passionate desire for a wider life,her need to be loved,and her rebellious questioning of conventions,also reflected Charlotte's own dreams.Jane is an "Ugly Duckling",who fulfills all the teenage romantic dreams of passion that breaks all obstacles.The gloomy hero,Mr Rochester,represents the ideal of masculine tenderness,which is combined with masculine strength - all along Byronic lines.Jane's discovery at the altar that Rochester has an insane wife hidden in the attic is the most shocking plot twist of the novel.Some later critics have presented that the mad Bertha Rochester is a nymphomaniac.Her character was refreshed in Jean Rhys' novel Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) which told the story of Rochester's ill-fated Creole wife.Charlotte Bronte's novel,Jane Eyre,skillfully reveals much of the sanctimony concerning women during the Victorian Era.Jane,the protagonist,has the qualities of endurance,valor,and vitality,yet she is refused self-contentment by the confined society in which she lives.Not only is this work a love story,but it is the tale of a young orphaned girl and her struggle for simpatico,for love and independence.Through the various environments Bronte provides,Jane oscillates between education and containment and also between freedom and servitude.Jane Eyre,certainly,does come of age in Charlotte Bronte's classic education novel.At the beginning of the book,Jane is a lonely dependent orphan girl,but she battles the constraints of her harsh upbringing and becomes educated,not only intellectually,but socially and spiritually,as well.She develops into a strong,confident and independent woman.She neither has to give up her spiritual beliefs nor her normal human desires for love to be genuinely happy.Jane becomes the epitome of the modern woman,as she manages a perfect balance between both,the spiritual and the physical,which is what she really wanted in life.