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The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code is a popular suspense novel by Dan Brown, generated a great deal of criticism and controversy after its publication in 2003. Many of the complaints centered on the book's speculations and alleged misrepresentations of core aspects of Christianity and the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Additional criticisms were directed towards the book's inaccurate descriptions of European art, history, architecture, and geography. Charges of plagiarism were also leveled by the authors of the 1982 Holy Blood, Holy Grail, though Brown was cleared of these charges in a 2006 trial.
It is difficult to assess how many of the book's errors resulted from poorly executed research or editing, or whether they were merely a product of artistic license.
Although the book is readily identifiable as a thriller—a work of fiction—and not as a historical tome, Brown does preface his novel with a page he calls "Facts" and has published a page at his website which repeats some disputed claims. Although Brown's website makes use of words such as "alleged," "rumored," and "seem to be," some critics consider the qualifiers misleading.

第一次看的时候,就把它当作一个现代侦探小说欣赏。 To see for the first time, put it as a modern detective fiction to enjoy. 今天又看了一遍,只用了5个小时,感触却比第一次深很多! Today, we saw that again, only a 5 hour, the first deep feelings than a l...


第一次看的时候,就把它当作一个现代侦探小说欣赏。 To see for the first time, put it as a modern detective fiction to enjoy. 今天又看了一遍,只用了5个小时,感触却比第一次深很多! Today, we saw that again, only a 5 hour, the first deep feelings than a lot! (或许是印象深的缘故吧)作者对欧洲的历史文化的深厚知识,对历史认真审视的态度,尤其对宗教的批判,让我很是佩服! (Perhaps it is because deep impression on you) the author of Europe's history and culture of deep knowledge, hard look at the history of attitude, particularly on religious criticism, let me be very admirable!
虽然我是一个中国人,但是对西方历史有着浓厚的兴趣! Although I am a Chinese, but the West has a strong interest in history! 十字军东征,耶路撒冷圣战,亚瑟王,罗马帝国,都让我感到真实而震撼,不得不承认,来外的史官写的很棒,让人看了都热血澎湃,崇拜那些英雄! The Crusades, the Jerusalem holy war, King Arthur, the Roman Empire, are true and I am shocked to admit that to the outside of the great historian wrote, people read all the surging blood, the hero worship of those!
不过就这部小说,我对作者的文笔真不敢恭维。 But on the novel, I am writing to the author's really nothing to boast about. 也可能是翻译的不好吧,心理和细微描写好差劲,如果不是故事情节写的好,我真不太想看! May be not the right translation, psychological and subtle description of a good bad, if not to write a good story, I really do not want to see! 我个人没有信仰崇拜,所以不是很了解任何的宗教,唯一看过的宗教书籍就是一本《金刚经》。 I personally do not have faith worship, so not know of any religion, the only read religious books is a "King Kong through."
我想没有任何宗教比基督教更复杂了,不过到现在我也搞不清楚基督和天主有什么区别,感觉上差不多嘛! I do not think any of the Christian religion is more complex than that, but now I do not know Christ and God out What's the difference between, on almost feel it! 这可不是我不认真,实在没兴趣去分辨! That's not serious, I do not really have no interest in going to tell! 小说中所讲的历史也只让我更多的了解了耶稣,原来他也是个凡人嘛! Novels talk about history so that only the more I learned about Jesus, he is also a mortal it! 呵呵! Ha ha! 甚至他是已婚,还有后裔,还是个女权主义,真的是大开眼界! He was even married, there are descendants still a feminist, is really an eye-opener! 宗教在人类历史上一直都是政权机构利用来控制人民的工具,在任何国家都同样。 Religion in the history of mankind has always been to use government agencies to control the people, are the same in any country.
很奇怪,欧洲的宗教怎么可以凌驾于政府之上呢? Very strange how religion in Europe is above the Government on this?
到现代的意大利更是个特例,实在是难以理解! To a more modern Italy is a special case, it is hard to understand! 这部小说吸引我的是破译密码,少为人知的历史,对神秘的“圣杯”的阐释,惊奇的故事情节,还有就是对生活的价值观! The novel attracted me decipher the code is less well known history of the mysterious "Holy Grail" of the interpretation, the surprise story, as well as the values of life! 真是没想到,达.芬奇原来是那么的bt,在画里竟然隐藏了那多的秘密,还那么巧妙的表达了自己的真知 Really did not expect to reach. Vinci was so bt, in the picture has a hidden secret that many, it also subtly expressed their true
灼见,让我佩服不已! Penetrating view, I admire very much!
最让我长见识的就是那幅《最后的晚餐》,多出来的一只手,酷似女人的圣徒,简直就是一个顽童的恶作剧! I long to see most of the site is "The Last Supper" and more out of hand, like the women of Latter-day Saints, it was a prank urchin! 当男主角最终发现了“圣杯”原来就在寻找的出发点时,让我感悟很深! When the actor finally found the "Holy Grail" in the search for the original starting point, let me deep insights!
其实很多的事情都是这样! In fact, a lot of things like this! 专注的去干一件事的同时,会忽略了身边很多美好而应该珍惜的东西! The focus do one thing at the same time, will be ignored but should be around a lot of good things to treasure! 总是干一件蠢事,那就是最终又回到了原来的地方,才明白错过了那么多美好的事物! Always doing something stupid, it is finally returned to its original place, they would understand missed so many good things! 事业如此,爱情亦如此! The cause of the case, also love this!
小说里的索菲的祖父的睿智真是佩服的五体投地,他老人家咋就那么的聪明和有远见呢? The novel Sophie's grandfather is really admire the wisdom of the five-way vote, he sounds on the old so it's wise and far-sighted? 密码设计的又是那么的巧妙,我有他一半聪明我就乐死了! The code is designed so cleverly, I have half of his clever I had Lesi!
