
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 14:35:11


Dear XXX.
I‘m sorry for telling you that our prototype can't finish to product on 16 Jul due to the before supplier said that they can't make this type of prototype. But we found another supplier, so the prototype will be completed next Moday.
Sorry for this inconvenience caused, tks!

Sorry that the prototype will not be finished on July 16th, because the supplier is not able to work it out. We have already get in touch with another supplier and they could provide the prototype for us on next Monday, July 21th.
Really sorry for this bothering.
Kind regards,

I'm very sorry.our prototype can't finish in July 16th,Because before that suppliers do not come out. We have found another home,prototype wil be finish July 21st.
I'm awfully sorry
纯手工翻译,保准正确,采纳吧(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

Sorry to inform you that our prototype can not finished on July 16. The supplier we cooperated before could not make it. We have found another instead. Prototype can be done next Monday(July 21).

I'm sorry, but our prototype (hand) did not finished in July 16th, because the supplier says do not to come out, we find another and hand will be on Monday (July 21)
I'm so sorry

XXX, I'm sorry, our prototype (Palm) when in July 16th can not be completed, because before that suppliers do not come out, we find another home, hand in next Monday (July 21st) when do. I'm sorry. XXX

I have to apologize that we cannot delivery the prototype on July 16 for the supplier cannot fuuly produce on time. We have cooperated with another supplier and promised to deliver goods on next Monday (July 21).
We are so sorry.
Sincerely Yours,

proto line英语翻译! 英语翻译XXX,很抱歉,我们的prototype(手板)在7月16号的时候不能完成了,因为之前那家供应商说做不出来,我们找了另外一家,手板会在下周一(7月21号)的时候做好.很抱歉.XXX 英语翻译我们已经发货,在香港出了点问题,不过已经解决,大概需要5天就能到英国了,这是你快递单号,你可以在xxx进行查询,给你照成的困扰我们感到很抱歉 英语翻译XXX,因为模具的问题,我们一直没能做出好的样品,很抱歉今天才完成样品,希望您看到样品能够满意(喜欢).今天下午,我们已经寄出了样品,Fedex号:XXX在你们收到样品之后,如果有什么 英语翻译XXX,很抱歉回信回晚了.关于您问的两个样品,我们工程那边回复的是,IP6的样品,我们大概在下周五的时候可以寄给你们.IP6S的样品,我们可能要在7月14号的时候才能给到你们.但是SUSAN说 英语翻译 很抱歉,但是我们的会议将不得不持续一个半小时 英语翻译晕了,抱歉,是我没说清楚,要翻译的内容是“一下分出胜负”或者“一碰就倒”,翻译成英文是xxx contact或contact xxx 英语翻译是用来加复这句的,Do you have any visual update for us to see where u've reached so far with production.回复翻译成英文:XXX,我们的计划是从10号开始做,每天差不多可以完成1K个产品,很抱歉,这之前没 英语翻译内容为:( 很抱歉,由于原材料价格上涨,你给我们的目标价,我们无法做到.以上请知悉,) 英语翻译急的都不行了!很抱歉! 在线等,中文翻译成英文.XXX,我们今天会把40PCS的VYNE样品寄出,顺丰快递号是:XXXX很抱歉我们推迟了.谢谢. 英语翻译很抱歉,你们要的那款产品,我们暂时还没找打,不知道这款是否适合你们? 英语翻译全文如下:诸位好,我们五个人是来自英国曼彻斯特的BLUE乐队,这次很高兴受李小姐之邀来到里,为诸位表演.希望借由我们的歌声,把爱传递给大家..下面介绍我们的成员:XXX..XXX.XXX.XXX. 英语翻译1.很抱歉,xxx现在美国拉斯维加斯参展无法给你回复,预计会在下周三左右回国.给您带来的不便还请谅解.2.请查收. 英语翻译Mr.XXX可能是我表达的意思不准确,实在是抱歉.我的意思是,我们BOSS说,因为现在汇率的变动太大,当时你们付款的时候是按照6.20换算,现在汇率跌到6.14了.我们亏损很多.你也知道年后的 英语翻译全文:诸位好,我们五个人是来自英国曼彻斯特的BLUE组合,这次很高兴受李小姐之邀来到这里,为诸位表演.下面请允许我介绍一下乐队成员:我叫XXX,这是XXX,XXX,XXX,希望借由我们的歌声, 很抱歉我们这次不参加广交会的英语怎么说 对于这件事情的发生我们感到很抱歉.