which animal can run faster?(an elephant

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:22:03

which animal can run faster?(an elephant
which animal can run faster?(an elephant

which animal can run faster?(an elephant
A.The slowest
B.faster than
C.the fastest

A. an elephant can run slowest.
B. a horse can ruan faster than an elephant.
C. a lion can run the fastest.

which animal can run faster?(an elephant which animal run faster uphill than downhill? A h_____is very big animal.It can run very fast. 英语--Well,I do think the rabbit is a gentle animal which can run very fast.--___a.so it doseb.so,is itc.so dose itd.so it is which animal can save people in the sea which animal is the biggest in the world用英文回答 Which animal always with its baby?It is a( ).Which animal is yellow and black and run fast?It's dangerous.A( )is yellow and black and run fast. It is a small animal.It can run fast It can catch the mouse.What is it Which is ( ) ( ) animal补充 My favourite animal This is my favourite animal.It is a dog.It is white and brown.It can run fas那位仁兄帮我翻译一下. (1/2)求解:What animal can run without a leg and with a house on its back?( A bird is an animal which can fly .这样说对吗? Man is an animal which can only think with its lower half What animal can fly which animal is your favorite?同意句cheetahs run faster than any other animal同上Our English test is in seven days同上penguins are very good at swimming同上 Which thing has no legs but it can run around the world 猜动物:A__is a large animal which people can ride.Some __are used for pulling ploughs and carts example.the cheetah is the most faster land animal.the cheetah is the fastest land animal.1.this lizard weighs less to a kilo.-----------------------------------------2.the ostrich can run fastest than any other bird in the world.-------------------- 这句话读不通Hearing the sound ,the animal disappeared into the bushes ,after which ,Mrs stone picked up her basket and run all way home after which 是一个短语还是构成一个语法结构的词