等答过了在给悬赏,因为以前就是没人答浪费了,一.翻译句子 1.学生们每天花三小时做家庭作业.The students___________________________________every day.2.Amy很高兴成为一名阅读俱乐部的成员.Amy is giad to be_

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 15:59:27

等答过了在给悬赏,因为以前就是没人答浪费了,一.翻译句子 1.学生们每天花三小时做家庭作业.The students___________________________________every day.2.Amy很高兴成为一名阅读俱乐部的成员.Amy is giad to be_
The students___________________________________every day.
Amy is giad to be________________________________________.
Our family always________________________________________.
4.谢谢你和我一起玩“trick or treat”的游戏.
Thank you________________________________________with me.
Our new teachers________________________________________.
1.look for 2.takes a bus 3.plays for 4.was born 5.for an hour 6.lots of
(1)There are__________books in our school library.
(2)Mike often watches TV__________after supper.
(3)My e-friend__________in Australia.He speaks English well.
(4)His office is a little far from his home,so he__________.
(5)Sandy enjoys___________songs on the Internet.
1.The dried fish tastes (salty).
_____ _____ the dried fish _____?
2.I get my energy (from meat and vegetables).
_____ _____ _____ _____ your energy?
3.The man goes to the park (once a week).
_____ _____ _____ the man _____ to the park?
4.(That) desk is Lin Tao's
_____ _____ is Lin Tao's?
5.We are going to (buy some fruit).
_____ are you going _____ _____?
6.The teacher is talking to (Jim's father).
_____ _____ the teacher _____ _____?
7.Miss Li spend (half a day) shopping every week.
_____ _____ _____ Miss Li _____ shopping every week?
8.There are two pieces of bread on the piate.
There _____ _____ _____ _____ bread on the plate.

等答过了在给悬赏,因为以前就是没人答浪费了,一.翻译句子 1.学生们每天花三小时做家庭作业.The students___________________________________every day.2.Amy很高兴成为一名阅读俱乐部的成员.Amy is giad to be_
The students____spend three hours doing their homework__every day.
Amy is giad to be__a member of the reading club_.
Our family always_have a party on the evening of October 31st_.
4.谢谢你和我一起玩“trick or treat”的游戏.
Thank you__for playing the game called "trick or treat"_with me.
Our new teachers_are all kind to us_.
3.plays for
(1)There are____ lots of ______books in our school library.
(2)Mike often watches TV_____for an hour __after supper.
(3)My e-friend_____was born ____in Australia.He speaks English well.
(4)His office is a little far from his home,so he__takes a bus ____.
(5)Sandy enjoys__looking for _________songs on the Internet.
三.按要求改写句子,每空一词(前七个是对划线部分提问,最后一个是改成单数形式, 空格中的是提问的的)
1.The dried fish tastes (salty).
How does the dried fish taste?
2.I get my energy (from meat and vegetables).
Where do you get your energy?
3.The man goes to the park (once a week).
How often does the man go to the park?
4.(That) desk is Lin Tao's
Which desk is Lin Tao's?
5.We are going to (buy some fruit).
_What are you going to do?
6.The teacher is talking to (Jim's father).
Who is the teacher talking to ?
7.Miss Li spend (half a day) shopping every week.
How long do Miss Li spend shopping every week?
8.There are two pieces of bread on the piate.
There is a a piece of bread on the plate.

等答过了在给悬赏,因为以前就是没人答浪费了,一.翻译句子 1.学生们每天花三小时做家庭作业.The students___________________________________every day.2.Amy很高兴成为一名阅读俱乐部的成员.Amy is giad to be_ 构造地质学1松弛 2 对冲构造答对奖励50分,不给是畜生!悬赏低是因为怕没人答关闭问题浪费了 为什么品红在热水里扩散时,底部会比较红(但在冷水中不会)(因为以前的问题有的没人回答,悬赏分白白浪费了,我会适当给予悬赏分,)请具体! Java十进制转其他进制小程序首先说,没给悬赏分是因为我怕没人回答分就浪费了……如果有人答出来并符合要求的话,随便你要多少分我都可以加,下面是要求(比较长)基本全乱了,到底哪里 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式(急)额...都是很容易的小学题,但我英语基础不好,.因为以前有过出太多分没人答,所以这次的悬赏分先定为5分.答对者额+20分.....没给无缘无故打乱七八糟的 人类行为心理学关于人的妒忌,自卑,喜新厌旧等心理的研究,和潜意识.因为我的财富总因为没人回答或答得不好被浪费了,所以希望看到好的后再加财富 whats the difference between the flu and the swine flu.能不能用英文?我们作业要做的,好难啊...在这里我就不加悬赏分了,如果有满意答案就会给40分,因为上次我出了100分也没人来,最后浪费我不少积分... 我会给悬赏的因为多次浪费- 是青岛出版社的,希望各位兄弟姐妹们帮帮忙,30页以后的!求求各位了.因为怕悬赏太高没人回答就浪费了.有多少算多少,绝不嫌弃!只有一个要求,就是不许说“自己做……”之类的废话,那我就 why would i ever有用的,能放在空间的链接.因为怕没人回答.等有人回答了,我再给分好吧 谢谢了 英语翻译没人回答 浪费了 因为怕没人回答浪费掉, 白虎真的克夫吗?我的女朋友就是,我想问哈大家是不是真的,又没人见过的,或者听说过的 真的克夫的事件.因为我们要结婚了……可是我以前在网上看到过的,有这类的事实的嘛 我真的好害怕 离散数学试卷2,继续求帮忙了因为怕没人回答浪费掉, 立体几何 辅助线的添加我刚刚学 就是平行和垂直这两大块 最好总结出一般规律 以前问题没人回答积分浪费了 现在回答采纳了 希望有好人特别是垂直判定啊性质一类的 形容一句成语就是自己以前做过很多让人不相信的事情,然后现在每天都在努力做事来弥补,结果做再多的事情做再大的努力都没人相信了! 第1是浙江教育出版社答.3为了避免财富悬赏,浪费所以先50分.4看给的答案在+分 先到先得怕没人回答浪费了