我已经填好了那个表格.Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.Which is correct?1)I have completed filling the form.2)I completed filling the form.3)I have filled the form.4)I finished filling the form.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:22:37

我已经填好了那个表格.Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.Which is correct?1)I have completed filling the form.2)I completed filling the form.3)I have filled the form.4)I finished filling the form.
我已经填好了那个表格.Translate it into English
Please provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.
Which is correct?
1)I have completed filling the form.
2)I completed filling the form.
3)I have filled the form.
4)I finished filling the form.

我已经填好了那个表格.Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.Which is correct?1)I have completed filling the form.2)I completed filling the form.3)I have filled the form.4)I finished filling the form.
I have completed filling the form.

3)I have filled the form. 应用完成时态 即have done sth
虽然第1个时态正确 但应这这样I have completed to fill the form


我已经填好了那个表格.Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.Which is correct?1)I have completed filling the form.2)I completed filling the form.3)I have filled the form.4)I finished filling the form. 我已经填好表格怎么翻译 英语翻译那个 已经翻译好了。不好意思, excel表格内输入数字出现特殊符号?请问怎么设置?比如说别个的表格已经做好了,我在其中一个表格中输入数字,但是保存后出现的是乱码? 我已经安装了那个电脑.Translate it into English.Please provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.1)I have installed the computer. 一到初二科学题,关于原子结构的模型表格我已经填完了,你能得出什么?急 Many English poems translated into Chinese well.填translated 还是translate.这里translate是不是系动词?那个带“?”地方才是填空处,应该填translated还是translate?这里的translate是什么词性? 怎样从英国寄信到中国我已经买好了airmail 的那个贴纸,地址也写好了那么直接丢到邮筒里面就可以了么? 工作岗位分析表格 那个有工作过的填下! 加强自我防范的那个表格怎么填 小花说:现在条件好了,艰苦朴素的时间已经过时了.我该怎样回答?要填名言警句 谁帮我填一下这个表格 不用了,我已经写好了 我已经准备好了英语怎么说 英语翻译姓已经翻译好了我姓夏叫允彤 我已经准备好了去度假 英译汉 填表格. 填表格...